QMplus is governed and owned by the Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TELT). All decisions, policies and guidelines are managed by the TELT. QMplus upgrades and development are also authorised by the TELT. Updates and maintenance are usually scheduled to take place during the systems at-risk period (Tuesday nights from 9-11pm)

QMplus is accessible to all QMUL staff and students who have a QMUL IT Services username and password. However, there are occasions when non-QMUL users will be able to access content within QMplus; this is usually done on a course by course basis and decided on by the course leader. Some examples of this would be if the course leader decides to allow guest access on the course area (this can be done with or without a password) or if the course leader has requested for an affiliate user to gain access to the course (for instance, to give access to an external examiner).

More detailed guidance on Policy and Procedures for using QMplus can be found under the ‘Site Policies and Guidelines‘ link (also located at the bottom right of QMplus pages).

Last modified: Friday, 20 October 2023, 4:55 PM