Marking criteria for Learning Objectives First and Final Reviews

The two completed review documents are an assessed component of the student’s academic work and count as 20% (10% each) of the overall mark for the placement year. The scores are worked out as follows:

      • 5 ‘Exceeds expectations’ = 10 (100%)
      • Minimum 3 ‘Exceeds’ and rest ‘Meets expectations’ = 9
      • Minimum 2 ‘Exceeds’ and rest ‘Meets’ = 8
      • Minimum 1 ‘Exceeds’ and rest ‘Meets’ = 7
      • 5 ‘Meets’ = 6
      • 4 ‘Meets’ and 1 ‘Does not meet’ = 5
      • 3 ‘Meets’, rest ‘Does not’ = 4
      • 2 ‘Meets’, rest ‘Does not’ = 3
      • 1 ‘Meets’, rest ‘Does not’= 2
      • All ‘Does not meet’ = 0

Marking criteria for Learning Journal

1. Critical ability, reflection and analysis:

      • Evidence of analysis, reflection and insight into your personal development during the placement referring to specific skill development and key events
      • Evidence of a regular and structured approach to keeping a learning journal
      • Evidence of the ability to evaluate own performance and of responding well to feedback
      • Evidence of the student seeking out new learning experiences
      • Evidence of learning from experiences and progressing over time

Marking criteria for Report 

  1. Knowledge and understanding of background context:
      • A description of the placement organisation, demonstrating an understanding of the organisation’s objectives, services, clients and its position in the relevant market sector
      • Evidence of understanding of the placement role, and where it fits within the organisational structure
  2. Critical ability, reflection and analysis:
      • Evidence of the ability to apply knowledge from taught modules to the workplace
      • A description of the key tasks/projects undertaken whilst on placement
      • An evaluation of the main problems faced and how these were overcome (technical or related to personal development)
      • Evidence of the ability to reflect upon and analyse skills newly acquired or developed throughout the placement year (technical and other)
  3. Presentation and professionalism:
      • Main ideas and sections clearly and logically presented
      • Good use of non-textual material (graphs, tables etc.)
      • Fluent writing style used with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
      • Use of a writing style appropriate to the content
      • Proper use of references where appropriate
      • Adheres to word count guidance

Marking criteria for Presentation 

  1. Knowledge and understanding of background context:
      • Evidence of reflection, self-awareness and insight into your personal development during the placement including reference to the influence the experience has had on your approach to your final year studies and future career plans and aspirations
  2. Presentation and professionalism:
      • Evidence of good preparation
      • Well organised and logical structure
      • All questions in the topic are addressed
      • Appropriate tone
      • Keeps within time limit
      • Good use of visual aids (if used)
      • The ability to handle questions well following the presentation

Last modified: Sunday, 25 September 2022, 6:21 PM