For each statement opening below, please try to finish the statement in as many ways as you can...

I believe something is worth doing if...
I am someone who enjoys...
I am passionate about...
I could spend hours...
I want to interact with people who...
I work best when...
I need to be in an environment where...
I feel most myself when...

For each statement, think of sample situations from your life that illustrate the point. Imagine that you have been asked to prove that you are that sort of person; what evidence can you offer? This may help you to make the statements more specific. For example, if you say "I enjoy solving problems", you could make that more specific by saying "solving problems involving people not getting along well" or "solving problems about money" or solving problems of organisation".

Why does this matter? It helps clarify your authentic strengths and passions. A good fit between your strengths and your professional work is likely to lead to career success.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 1:46 PM