As a Non-Specialist Human Support Worker you will be employed not by Queen Mary’s Disability and Dyslexia Service, (DDS), but via the auspices of an external recruitment agency called Randstad.

Randstad and DDS have worked in partnership since the 2012/13 academic year.

Once you have started work with us, Randstad will provide you with details of their 'Opus' system, which allows you to record the hours that you work with a student electronically - basically, it is an online timesheet.

After you have entered the hours you have worked the Opus system will generate an email or a text message to the student that you support. This will allow the disabled student to authorise the hours so that you can be paid. If for any reason the student does not respond they will be sent reminders and in extreme circumstances the Disability and Dyslexia Service may be asked to authorise the hours so that you can be paid for the work you have done. One example would be where a student is too ill to authorise the hours that have been worked.


There are fifteen permanent members of staff in DDS. You will regularly meet the following people:

  • DDS Frontline Support Officer (James Ross). He is the first point of contact for any general queries.
  • DDS Frontline Support Manager (Sadie Setchell). As James' line manager, Sadie often helps out with any general queries in James' absence.
  • Assistant Disability Adviser (Leanne Walker). Leanne is the primary person that will allocate you to work with a particular student. If you have any queries about the nature of the work you are doing, e.g. working additional hours, then please contact Leanne.
  • Disability Adviser (Melanie Parsons): Melanie oversees the recruitment of Non-Specialist Human Support Workers and supports Leanne with her allocations.
  • Head of Service (Simon Jarvis): Simon can answer any queries in Leanne or Melanie’s absence. He may also be to help with any queries over payments or with your contract with Randstad.

More information about the service can be found at

Last modified: Thursday, 15 August 2019, 10:12 AM