

All undergraduate students are expected to attend scheduled taught sessions including lectures, practical classes, group work, workshops, tutorials, seminars, field work, computer lab sessions, problem-solving classes, exercise classes, lab sessions, project meetings, and other events which are associated with the modules for which they are registered as part of their programme of study.

Registers are taken for each seminar, and persistent non-attendance at seminars and failure to submit coursework may lead to de-registration from your programme and termination of your enrolment with Queen Mary. You are expected to be available to attend classes 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday.

It is a College requirement that you must supply a medical certificate for illness that lasts longer than five days.

It is your responsibility to regularly check your email and QMPlus announcements for notifications concerning changes to the timetable, so that you are always aware of when and where your seminars are scheduled.  Persistent non-attendance whether for good reason or not may affect your ability to pass a module successfully. If you do not pass sufficient modules to progress you will be required to take late summer resits and should you still not pass sufficient modules after these resits and if you have further attempts remaining, you will be registered to resit ‘out of attendance’ the following academic year. This means that you do not return to full time study until you have re-sat and passed sufficient modules to progress.

If the School notes that you are achieving low marks on your modules you may be asked to meet with your adviser to discuss your studies. However, you are always welcome to discuss all aspects of you studies with your adviser.  If you have any concerns it is better to seek advice from your adviser sooner than later.

Deregistration may occur for:
  • Persistent non-attendance in seminars

  • Non submission of assessment

If you miss 3 seminars in the same semester on a single module, you will be sent a warning email and asked to meet with your Personal Adviser to explain the reason for your absences. It is essential that you do so, as we will only be able to support/advise you when we know more about any problems you are experiencing which may be affecting your attendance and engagement.

We can only help if you are forthcoming and willing to put in the effort to improve your engagement. We recommend all students take advantage of the support and services available to them within the School and the College. If your absences persist and you miss 5 seminars in one semester, on a single module you will be sent a final warning and given one last chance to make a case to your Personal Adviser before being deregistered from that module. You may be required to submit evidence of your circumstances in order to support your claim.

De-registration may lead to termination of your enrolment with Queen Mary.


While absence from one or two seminars or lectures owing to illness or family emergency is understandable, you must have attended seminars in order to achieve the learning outcomes of a module – regardless of the circumstances

If you are unable to attend a seminar for a good reason, such as illness, you should let your seminar tutor and the School Office ( know in advance, so that the absence can be noted as authorised. When you return, you should see your seminar tutor to discuss how to catch up with missed work.

If you have had a series of absences, you may be required to produce a medical certificate to confirm that your absences have been due to medical problems. If such medical issues persist indefinitely you may be required to submit a medical note to confirm you are fit enough to attend university.

If ongoing circumstances are affecting your ability to attend seminars and you are therefore unable to successfully complete a module, you should contact either your Personal Adviser, Senior Tutor or Student Support officers.

Tuition Fee deregistration

When you enrol or re-enrol at the start of each academic year you agree to QMUL’s Tuition Fee Regulations,, which set the deadlines for paying tuition fees. Failure to pay your tuition fees by these deadlines may lead to your deregistration from your programme of study, under College Ordinance C3

» SPIR handbook