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I welcome you to “Licensing Intellectual Property”. As a course concerned with the drafting and enforcement of intellectual property agreements, it corresponds with one of my own areas of research, the inter-relationship of contract, intellectual property and competition law. My most recent article is entitled 'Negotiating FRAND Encumbered Patent Licences' (JIPLP October, 2021). My article on 'University Patent Licensing for the Research and Development of Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries' (3 IPQ, Issue 3, 2009, 311-344) has been cited in the literature numerous times. A revised version has been recently published as “Patent Licensing Strategies for the Research and Development of Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries”, in O. Aginam, J. Harrington & P. Yu eds, The Global Governance of HIV/AIDS: Intellectual Property and Access to Essential Medicines (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013, chapter 8, pp. 132- 165). My work explaining the relevant laws applicable to “Online Technology Contracts” was published in The Handbook of Technology Management, (ed. H Bidgoli, Volume 3, Wiley, Hoboken New Jersey, 2010, pp. 842-855). In addition, I have worked as a consultant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, drafting a five-chapter report on “The Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Transitional Economies”.

I have a broad experience teaching commercial law in both civil and common law jurisdictions, specializing in intellectual property and contract law. I am committed to supporting students in their studies at both masters and doctoral levels. In 2008 and 2010 I had the honour of being nominated by students for the Queen Mary University of London Drapers’ Award for Excellence in Teaching.

A final word concerning the nature of the course and the course materials; as a matter of teaching method, the module will be characterized by its problem-solving approach to such issues as the licensing of standard essential patents. Given the unique focus of the module, in rendering IP licensing a subject of substantive law study, there is no single book that is entirely suitable. Therefore, I will be uploading materials from primary and secondary sources, including draft chapters from my forthcoming monograph Licensing Intellectual Property: Law  and  Contemporary Issues.

I look forward to meeting you.

With very best wishes for your studies, 

Gail Evans

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