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The Islamic World Group is a community for students in the School of History who are interested in the history of the Islamicate World, broadly defined to mean both the medieval Near East and all communities who lived there, but also anywhere in the world Muslims live. You will find podcasts here from early career academics who are the rising stars of Near Eastern History. They will tell you a bit about their research, but also about how they decided to pursue academia. We will also have a series of events throughout the year. What those are is up to you! If you have any suggestions please share them and we can make them happen: a.chrysostomides@qmul.ac.uk. You will also occasionally find announcements of seminars that you may want to attend (or 'attend' via Zoom as the case may be) and adverts for Arabic learning abroad and/or archaeological digs who are inviting students to participate. 

Image: Dome of the Rock by our very own Shahad al-Motowakel

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