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Module Aims: This module explores the multiple methods of applied critical research into the cultural sector and creative industries, developing transferrable skills in participatory research, self-organisation, ethical and sustainable creative industries research and collective inquiry. This module focuses on the method of non-hierarchical and ethical research methods into the business practices, leadership and governance models and cultural policy administration in and as art and culture. This module presents students with  the relevant  methods and conceptual tools necessary to understanding critically the different methods of analyzing and practicing within the cultural and creative industries. Specifically, this module aims to give you a multi-faceted examination the methodologies of applied research in to the cultural and creative industries and explore ethical (e.g. sustainable) methods of research. It uses a range of analytical tools from sociology, history and cultural studies, and draws on teaching, research and professional expertise from QMUL's academics and practitioners working in the field.  Some of the questions we aim to answer during the course of the module include the following:

What methods of analysis and co-created and co-empowering research have been important to the cultural and creative industries? What are the ethical and social implications of the different methods of analysis?

What historiographical, humanistic, arts-based, and social science methods  can effectively inform a critical management studies approach to applied research into the cultural sector and creative industries?

How have researchers engaged with creative industry business models? What can/can't we learn from detailed case studies? How are such business models innovated, devised, implemented, and transformed?

How have creative industry researchers developed methods of engaging with the different organisational strategies in the creative industries, especially with a view toward sustainability in the sector?

How has and can applied research into the creative industries affect policy ethically?

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