Support for staff & students during the Israel and Palestine Conflict

Support for staff & students during the Israel and Palestine Conflict

by Elena Moreira -
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Dear Students and Staff across SLLF

I am writing further to my message below to request your continued support, understanding, empathy and respect for all SLLF, and indeed, all QMUL, students and staff who are affected by the escalation of the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

The conflict is fast-paced and changing not only daily but almost hourly. News of family and friends in the conflict zones may be hard to get - and many of our students and staff are likely to be very worried and scared. Some of you may also be worried about the conflict spilling over into neighbouring countries and affecting the wider Arab world - and spilling over into parts of the UK and even onto university campuses.

We may well have differing opinions and differing emotional responses to the conflict, but I am writing here with two messages for all students and staff: please for continued respect and support:
  1. Respect: QMUL is a diverse and inclusive university; SLLF is a community of all its students and all its staff, of all its different ethnicities, faiths, non-faiths, histories, memories, and backgrounds, but  we all deserve respect, support and tolerance. 
    I want to repeat what I said in my message last week that, regardless of the circumstances, we will never tolerate racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, abuse, incitement or harassment in any form or communicated via any media. If you experience or witness anything like this, whether inside or outside the University, whether to you personally or to someone else, please report it through Report + Support: Report + Support - Queen Mary University of London (

  2. Formal support: My second message is to remind you of the more formal support available within the University and to urge those of you who need it, to seek it out
    1. Support for staff is available here: Staff Wellbeing Hub Wellbeing - Wellbeing (

    2. Support for students is available : Student Wellbeing Hub Student wellbeing hub - Student Experience Directorate (

    3. Studies: Assessment & Submission:  we have amended our Extenuating Circumstances policy to assist with assessment completion and submission. Claims for Extenuating Circumstances related to the ongoing conflict will be accepted for affected students for all assessments taking place between 18 September and 15 December 2023.  Please read the full details here: Items - Statement on the conflict in the Middle East - MyQMUL

    4. General information on how to submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances can be found here: Extenuating Circumstances: a guide for students - Student Experience Directorate (

    5. Emotional Support: we understand the emotional impact you may be experiencing, and our Advice & Counselling Service is available to provide you with emotional support. 
      To request an in-person or online appointment, complete the self-referral form which is available through MySIS (Log in to the portal ( click on the Student Services/SEC Online tab at the top and select 'Submit a request for counselling or mental health advice'. A member of the team will respond as soon as possible. 

    6. Counselling: you can also read the Counselling blog Looking after your mental health amid distressing world events – Your Mind Matters – the blog ( which has information about looking after your mental health during distressing world events.

    7. Specialist Advice: the Welfare and International Students Advisors in the Advice & Counselling Service can provide specialist advice on a range of practical issues such as money (Money options - Advice and Counselling Service ( and student immigration permission (Visas and international student advice - Advice and Counselling Service ( To access practical advice at any time please complete this contact form  Contact us form - Advice and Counselling Service (    
    8. Out of hours and 24/7 support: Support is available 24/7 through our 24/7 Student Wellbeing Helpline which is staffed by trained counsellors Support for students when the University is closed - Student Experience Directorate (

    9. Chaplaincy: the Chaplaincy welcomes both students and staff of all faiths and none. St Benet's Chaplaincy | Faith at QMUL
If you are unsure of what support to access, please talk to your academic advisor, our Professional Services Team (Arts One Room 1.40) or myself (Arts One 1.26) - we're all here to help and support you.

Best wishes