Week 12 class: hybrid format, details of feedback session and workshop preparation

Week 12 class: hybrid format, details of feedback session and workshop preparation

by Jeremy Hicks -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All

Due to transport disruptions and other challenges, Thursday's class will be hybrid: both in-person (I will be there, for one) and available to join online through a  Zoom meeting at the same time, 9.00am. Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 886 7108 2371

Passcode: 597393

Find your local number: https://qmul-ac-uk.zoom.us/u/kdW7oDkS39

The class will have two parts:

i) A feedback session with anonymised examples from all your first essays as to how to improve your next essays.

ii) An Essay planning workshop on the next essay. 

For this please make some notes in advance of the class on the following categories

  1. Decide which essay question/passage you will be doing and why
  2. which story you will be looking at and why (level 5 only)
  3.  make a note of at least three items of reading you will be using in your essay/commentary
  4. what theories/methods you will be using/mentioning (level 5 only)
  5. choose a scene you will discuss in detail: why is it important (level4: why is this passage important)
  6. list three points you intend to make
  7. make a note of what your main intended argument/thesis is about the story/passage, what interests you about it (in one sentence)