Week 8 Lorca arrangements

Week 8 Lorca arrangements

by Rachel Bryant Davies -
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Dear all,

This is advance notice about Tuesday 15th Nov, which is the class after study week. We'll be studying Lorca's Bode de Sangre/Blood Wedding. There is a recorded lecture by Professor John London (who is a Spanish expert) which introduces the play, so the plan is for you to watch that asynchronously (ie. whenever before 15th Nov works for you), and then to have an in-person class from 4-5pm discussing the text in more detail. You can find the recording in the week 8 tab, along with the reading.

NB The following week there is another recorded lecture by Prof London that we strongly encourage you to watch, but we'll have the full 2 hour class as well so you have plenty of time to ask questions/compare with the other texts as well.

We're looking forward to reading your Aristotelian plots! Take care and make sure you get some rest over study week as well as reading! Best wishes,
