1 flatmate - Canary Wharf - 177.5 per person per week

1 flatmate - Canary Wharf - 177.5 per person per week

by Sneyhalakshmi Saravanan -
Number of replies: 0

We are looking for a girl flatmate to stay with us in our apartment in Canary Wharf, Isle of dogs. It is a ground floor appartment in nova building and its a 30min bus ride from school. Train station is nearby and there’s a ASDA on the way with a convenience shop right outside.

Its a 3 bedroom apartment with a kitchen and a toilet. There is a big balcony and lots of open space around. There's a great view of the River Thames from the balcony. 

It will be 177.5 pounds per person per week. 320 pounds per year (for all of us) for water bill. And electricity bills based on how much we use.

If you are interested, please contact me at ha20882@qmul.edu.uk for more information. 

Attached below are some pictures of the available room + balcony for your reference.