PASS sessions on time management!!

PASS sessions on time management!!

by Hady George -
Number of replies: 0


I hope you're all doing well. University can be very tiring, especially during lockdown. If we want to do the best we possibly can, we have make sure we are managing our time well. Join this week's PASS sessions if you want the very helpful advice of mentors about time management, and how to stay on top of things. You can also ask about any other academic/social issue!

The sessions are on Monday and Wednesday, both from 4-5 PM

You can access the sessions by going to the SBCS PASS QMplus page, and clicking on the webinar tab

Below is a QR code that gives you access to Togethall, an online community dedicated to mental health support:

Mental health support Queen Mary University of London small (2)

If you have any questions please let me know


SBCS PASS student organiser