Another PASS session tomorrow on Time Management!!!

Another PASS session tomorrow on Time Management!!!

by Hady George -
Number of replies: 0

Hello first years and foundation students

In case you couldn't make it to yesterday's PASS session about time management and organising your workload, there are more sessions tomorrow (Wednesday 4th November). The mentors will be happy to give you advice about how to prioritise your studies and work efficiently. 

The sessions are from 12-1 and 1-2 (the second session if primarily for foundation students but everyone is welcome!)

You can attend by going to the SBCS PASS QMplus page and clicking on the webinar section. 

The mentors would love to help you out with any other academic or social issues as well, so please do swing by if you have any questions!

You can also contact me via email if you have any questions or queries


SBCS PASS student organiser