IPHS Seminar

IPHS Seminar

by Farzena Khanom -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all, 


For this week’s seminar we are privileged to have Professor Andrew Farmer, the newly appointed director of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme speak to us.


The HTA Programme funds research about the clinical and cost-effectiveness and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests for those who plan, provide or receive care from NHS and social care services.


Professor Farmer will be speaking about the role of NIHR HTA, what it does, give some examples of the sort of work it funds, and offer some thoughts on what makes a good HTA research project.


Please note that this seminar will be specific to HTA and not the NIHR in general.


Due to the nature of this seminar please email any questions in advance to c.edwardsroscamp@qmul.ac.uk. There may be time for further questions on the day.


This seminar will be held on MSTeams,  on Wednesday 7th October from 2pm-3pm 

Please join using the link below.


Best wishes,

IPHS Seminar Committee (Borislava Mihaylova, Anna De Simoni, Anna Dowrick, Stamatina Iliodromiti, Nikolina Jovanovic, Heather McMullen, Charlotte Edwards Roscamp (administrator))


Note: The IPHS Seminar Committee welcomes suggestions for future seminar speakers; please email Charlotte Edwards Roscamp c.edwardsroscamp@qmul.ac.uk in the first instance.


