Level of detail on sub detector dimensions

Level of detail on sub detector dimensions

by Peter Hobson -
Number of replies: 0

I have been asked the following (generic) question. Since it may come from many of you I thought I would give some advice here.

"Do we need to go into detail on how big a detectors component is? (e.q. The xxx sub detector has an inner radius of ?? m and an outer radius of ?? m and is ?? m long)."

The answer is "probably" at this level of basic (i.e. large scale) information, what you won't need to do in general is to give micro detail such as the part-number and manufacturer of a 10 kV high voltage connector. Critical information, that is detail that clearly affects the active volume (as in the question above) or the response (gas pressure, radiation lengths of electromagnetic calorimeter, thickness of a ToF scintillator etc), is of course important to include.