Getting Started with QMplus session today

Getting Started with QMplus session today

by Gill Ritchie -
Number of replies: 0


You are receiving this email as you are signed up for the Getting Started with QMplus session today.  This session will take place in the E-Learning Studio, room 0.09 in the Scape Building on the Mile End campus.

My name is Gill Ritchie, I'm a Learning Technologist in the E-Learning Unit and I'll be running today's session.  This email shows one way that you can use QMplus to communicate with people...we'll look at this in more detail at the session.

Unfortunately, our budget can't cover refreshments but the Scape Building does have a nice little cafe at the entrance.  Please feel free to get yourself something and bring it to the session. We'll also be having a break in the session where you might like to pop out and get yourself something...come prepared!

I look forward to meeting you later today.
