(IMPORTANT)1st and 2nd year Med Gen & Biochem timetables

(IMPORTANT)1st and 2nd year Med Gen & Biochem timetables

by Hau Tak Daniel Lam -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

As you might know from the previous e-mail we have sent, there will be revision sessions organised for 1st and 2nd year biomedical sciences, biochemistry and medical genetics students. We are in the process of deciding a time between 18/3-22/3 for these sessions.  I would appreciate if any student from Medical Genetics and Biochemistry (both 1st and 2nd year) tell us when they are free from 18/3-22/3 and the time as well. So that we can book the room as soon as possible. We will notify you all about the times, dates and venue  once we confirm the room bookings. 

(PS: unfortunately, we don't have mentors for all of these courses, but feel free to send us an e-mail about any inquiries regarding your courses, we will try and help.)

Kind regards,

Lam Hau Tak Daniel

Year 3 Biomedical Sciences 

SBCS Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) Student Organiser 2018-2019