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Performance and the Supernatural

Level 6 (15 credits)

The dead live. In a range of different theatre and performance cultures, performers and spectators either embody or come face to face with the dead. In this module we will explore how this happens in different historical moments and in different cultures, including, for example, the ghosts, witches and magicians of early modern European drama, spirit possession in Haitian Vodou, spiritualist sances in Victorian England. Through the comparative study of these cultural forms we will consider how different conceptions of the natural and the supernatural have been shaped by theatre and performance practices.

Preparing for this Module and Approximate Costs

Why take
Performance and the Supernatural

  • How does theatre and performance allow experiences that challenge scientific rationality?
  • Fascinating historical material on witchcraft in Europe and Vodou in Haiti
  • Assessmemt by research project
Learning Context Seminar-based
Semester Two
  1. Project Proposal (1000 words or equivalent), {30%}
  2. Project (3000 words or equivalent), {70%}
Mode of reassessment Standard