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Group Practical Project

Level 5 (30 credits)

Group Practical Project exposes you to key academic and practical skills relevant to the study and making of theatre and performance. The module asks you to reflect and act critically and creatively on the kinds of performance outcomes you want to work on. It also asks you, through group practice, to work collaboratively towards developing your specialist expertise. Through practical workshops, writing, documentation and a process of research, group rehearsal and performance, you will consider what theatre and performance studies mean to you as individuals and as a group, and the kinds of creative, critical and practical work that your degree might lead to.

Preparing for this Module and Approximate Costs

There is no advance preparation for this module.

Most reading/viewing will be provided by staff and/or available from the QMUL library. You may be asked to do some off-campus research, which may cost you, for example, return tube or bus travel to  Zone 1. You may be asked to attend a performance. Ticket costs are not anticipated to be more than £20.

Why take
Group Practical Project

  • You focus on making a group-devised performance with a lot of independence.
  • The module ends with students' performance in a Festival of New Work.
  • The module helps you develop as an independent scholar-artist.
Learning Context Practice-based
Semester Two
  1. e-Portfolio (2100 words equivalent), 35%
  2. Group Performance Project (15-20 minutes), 65%
Mode of reassessment Standard