
Creative Writing Advanced Fiction: Serious Play - Ludic Strategies for Writing Fiction

Level 6 (15 credits)

Serious Play provides students with a distinctive approach to prose fiction that privileges form and style for their own sake ahead of subject matter, narrative and voice. It proposes a series of playful constraints and provocations as the starting point for literary creation, drawing on key concepts in the scholarly study of the ludic mode. Students will undertake structured writing tasks in response to formal restrictions and games of chance to open up a space dedicated to innocent risk and joyful experiment, as a strategy to liberate their writing practice from the burdens of thematic significance, personal authenticity, or literary convention.

Preparing for this Module and Approximate Costs

No advance preparation is required.

All required assigned reading will be provided directly via QMplus. Additional recommended texts will cost £30-£40 if purchased new.

Why take
Creative Writing Advanced Fiction: Serious Play - Ludic Strategies for Writing Fiction

  • It allows huge freedom in the form and genre of writing you produce.
  • The techniques we use often push students to produce work they never normally could or would
  • There is not a lot of reading, and plenty of structured writing exercises
Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester One
  1. Participation, 10%
  2. Written Assignment (1000 words), 20%
  3. Portfolio (3500 words), 70%
Mode of reassessment Standard