
Narrative Theory for Creative Writers

Level 6 (15 credits)

Narrative Theory for Creative Writers offers a course in advanced narrative theory adapted to the production, rather than the analysis of narrative texts. It aims to move beyond questions of narrative voice, point of view and the representation of speech and thought in fiction towards questions of time, causality, mind and experience in narrative fiction and non-fiction. It develops ideas on causality, contingency, surprise, curiosity and the distribution of information that figure in recent narratological models, as well as second-generation cognitive narratology focused on questions of narrative experience. The module includes a section on questions of fictionality as addressed by contemporary narrative theory, and explores the significance of feminist and intersectional narrative theory for the writer. It aims to give the student an advanced understanding of the state of contemporary narrative theory and to think about its issues in relation to the creative process.

Preparing for this Module and Approximate Costs

Why take
Narrative Theory for Creative Writers

Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Two
  1. Critical Commentary (1000 words), 40%
  2. Portfolio (3500 words), 60%
Mode of reassessment Standard