GEG5129 Economic Geographies

Module Convenor: Carlo Inveradi-Ferri

Module Level: 5

Semester: A

GEG5129 offers a broad introduction to some key debates within Economic Geography. 

The module explores: research on the uneven and changing geographies of labour, production, finance and property; the re-centering of Economic Geography through an engagement with the Global South and development; the centrality of uneven development in capitalist, economic social relations; the inescapable connections between globalisation and local socio-spatial relations; and the always-already existence of ‘alternative’ or ‘diverse’ economic practices that challenge neoliberalism and global capitalism. 

Therefore, the overarching aim of this module is to explore the diversity and inequalities of economic development experiences globally, as well as within and between countries.

Credits: 15
Available to Associates: Available
Assessment: On campus Examination
Module Handbook: PDF document GEG5129 Module Handbook 2023-24.pdf