GEG5127 Society and Space

Module Convenor: Jon May

Module Level: 5

Semester: B

GEG5127 introduces you to the broad ranging and exciting field of Social Geography. Like Social Geography more widely, Society and Space is premised on the understanding that social experience and identities are differentiated according to the intersecting constructions of race, class, gender, and sexuality (amongst others) and that rather than simply varying across space, space itself is central to the construction of social difference. 

The module explores the social geographies of race, class, gender and sexuality, and the power relations that shape and are shaped by them, at a range of scales - focusing mainly, though not exclusively, on examples from the UK. 

The module is taught through a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops and a field walk. It is assessed by an on-line Quiz (designed to test your understanding of material across the breadth of the module) and a 1500 word Wikipedia report that draws on your observations from a self-guided field walk exploring EITHER Homelessness and the Politics of Public Space OR Gay Villages. The field walk and report are designed to test your ability to apply your knowledge and interpretative skills to the real world and to summarise them in a clear and accessible way.

Credits: 15
Available to Associates: Available
Assessment: Online Quiz (1 hour), Essay (1500 words)
Module Handbook: PDF document GEG 5127 Module Handbook 2023-4 Updated 22-09-23.pdf