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Hints and tips (click "Save Settings" to view results):
  • The basic default search is based on titles; simply enter a word or topic which interests you in the "Search" box.
  • Checking the "Advanced Search" box displays further search fields. In particular, to find projects appropriate to your programme, type "BSc", "MSci", or "MSc" in the "Level:" field.
  • You can change the sorting of the displayed list using the drop-down menus.
  • Click on the title of a project to see more details.
Level: Title: Supervisor: Research Area:
BSc, MSci Projective planes Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Quadratic forms Algebra
MSci Quaternary codes Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Ramsey theory in the integers Combinatorics
BSc, MSci, MSc Random matrices Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
MSci, MSc Random walks in random environment Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
BSc, MSci, MSc Record statistics for stock prices Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics
MSci, MSc Reflection groups and coxeter groups Algebra
MSci Regular polyhedra and beyond Algebra
MSc Relativistic fluids: exact solutions and associated dynamics Geometry and Analysis