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  • The basic default search is based on titles; simply enter a word or topic which interests you in the "Search" box.
  • Checking the "Advanced Search" box displays further search fields. In particular, to find projects appropriate to your programme, type "BSc", "MSci", or "MSc" in the "Level:" field.
  • You can change the sorting of the displayed list using the drop-down menus.
  • Click on the title of a project to see more details.
Level: Title: Supervisor: Research Area:
BSc, MSci, MSc Intermittency Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics
MSci, MSc Kriging Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
BSc, MSci, MSc Lasso Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
MSci Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Lexicographic codes Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Likelihood Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
MSc Marginally stable circular orbits for higher dimensional black holes Geometry and Analysis
BSc Martingales Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
MSci, MSc MCMC methods that use derivative information Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
MSci, MSc Modelling distorted memory Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics