Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)
11. Critical Thinking and Writing
11.1. Students with In-Sessional Language Conditions
CTW in Teaching Period A23 introduces students (who arrive at QMUL with a conditional offer) to the skills that will be expected from them at Postgraduate level in the context of UK higher education. A range of legal texts (such as statutes, cases, and journals) will be analysed from a linguistic perspective and focus will be placed on raising students’ awareness of structure and argumentation in English. This is conducted with the express requirements and standards of the postgraduate law programme in mind. Additionally, students are introduced to research methodology in law and associated skills that can serve their needs throughout their programme of study.
NOTE: Please ensure that you carefully read all conditions contained in your offer of study as notified via the student web portal as any students’ claims that they were unaware of this condition to attend the In-sessional programme will not be accepted. It is important, therefore, that you refer carefully to your offer of study letter so that you are certain of your status.
- All students who have attended the Pre-Sessional English Programme at QMUL prior to joining a PG Law programme carry an automatic In-sessional condition.
- Students who have been accepted with an In-sessional condition only are required to complete Teaching Period One of the CTW In-sessional programme: the condition is satisfied by attending at least 80% of Teaching Period one’s classes.
- Students, who have been accepted on to a PG Law programme, but did not satisfy the 7.0 IELTS writing requirement, are also expected to attend the CTW module. The attendance and participation of these students is very carefully monitored by the PG Law Office.
The handbook for the CTW programme will be available on QMplus Noticeboard. Please consult this QMPlus page for registration details, dates and the weekly topics covered in this module. This compulsory (for students with a conditional offer) ten-week module will introduce students to the skills that will be expected from them at PG Law level.
Additionally, it helps them meet their language requirements. Our records indicate a strong correlation between regular CTW attendance and high programme attainment.
Accordingly, attendance of this module is monitored assiduously, and non-attendees will be notified to the PG Law Office. A short, individual report will provide details of student attendance as well as broader information relating to class performance and participation at the end of both Teaching Periods.