Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)
7. Contacts: Academics
7.1. Academic Contacts
Module Convenors
All courses taught on the 3 programmes will have a Module Convenor. The Module Convenors are CCLS Academic staff members and will normally be part of the teaching team for the course. That said, in some cases the Module Convenor might not teach on the course and the teaching will be done by affiliated/external academics, these academic are referred to as Academics Leads and will run the course in conjunction with the Module Convenor.
If students have any special needs in relation to teaching or assessment of any course, please discuss these first with Module Convenor (or the Academics Leads, where applicable). The Module Convenor is not just somebody to speak to when problems arise. Your Module Convenor is someone you need to get to know well, so be pro-active. Students should try and engage at different times throughout their studies with the Module Convenor, to discuss their progress especially following the release of assessment results. The Module Convenor will also be able to refer you to other sources of support should you need this.
Please note that Module Convenors will either advertise specific weekly office hours (during term time) for these meetings or will just invite you to email and set up a meeting when and if the need arises. Students are encouraged to arrange meetings with the Module Convenors to discuss any problems they might face.
Your first port of call for many issues will be your Module Convenor; however, your Programme Director will resolve any matters which cannot be resolved by the Module Convenor or which relate to the programme of study more generally. If these matters remain unresolved then you may refer them to the School of Law Director of Teaching and Learning.