Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)
15. Marking Criteria
15.1. Distinction
High Distinction (80 and above)
Marks above 80 will only be awarded for assessments of exceptionally high quality. To obtain a mark in the high Distinction range (i.e., in excess of 80), the assessment must demonstrate genuinely original thinking about the topic, sophisticated and intelligent critical analysis with clarity of writing and expression within a connected argument that has very few, if any, weak points. There must be no significant weaknesses in any of the referenced aspects. In the case of a dissertation, the writing and analysis should be at a level that generally would be found in an article accepted for journal publication with minor revisions.
Distinction (70 and above)
An answer falling into the Distinction mark range shows mastery over the subject, is well structured and displays a clear and logical argument displaying personal reflection informed by wider reading of articles and/or other commentaries and a good grasp of detail (as evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the answer's structure). The answer should be complete, with no errors or omissions.
Distinction-level answers are those that are exceptionally good and excel in several of the following aspects:
- Focus, coverage of the issues and accuracy
- Clarity of argument and expression
- Integration of a range of materials
- Evidence of wider reading
- Depth of insight into the theoretical issues
- Excellent use of written English containing few, if any, grammatical errors
Excellence in several of these areas should be in addition to the qualities expected of an upper Merit answer. A Distinction answer is generally expected to spot especially complex or difficult points and to make use of more sophisticated analysis than an upper Merit answer.
In addition to the above, Distinction answers to problem questions will also satisfy the following criteria:
All relevant issues have been identified
The analysis and the exposition and application of any relevant rules or principles is clear, accurate and comprehensive
The application of any relevant legal rules and principles is insightful (e.g., the candidate demonstrates that s/he can both distinguish cases on their facts and argue by analogy)
There is a conclusion that follows logically from the preceding analysis