25. Safety and Emergencies

You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas in which you work and study, noting the location of emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. On hearing a fire alarm in the building, you should immediately leave through the nearest emergency exit, unless redirected by a Fire Marshal. Do not go to any other part of the building for any reason. Proceed to the designated emergency assembly area and report to the Fire Marshal. Do not leave the assembly area or re-enter the building until instructed to do so.

In an emergency, dial 8100 or 3333 from any internal phone and clearly state the nature and location of the problem, your name, and the number you are calling from (if known). If there is no internal phone available, call 999 and follow the normal procedure.

First aid assistance for minor accidents can be obtained by dialling 8100 from an internal phone, or 020 7882 8100 from any other telephone.

Fire - On Hearing the Fire Alarm at LIF

The fire alarm is tested every Wednesday at 10am – you will need to leave the building if the alarm sound continues for more than 30 seconds. If you hear the alarm sound at any other time:

  • Leave the room immediately, taking any visitors and ensuring the door is closed. Do not waste time by taking personal belongings with you. Do not use the lift
  • Follow the arrow signs to the nearest fire exit and proceed to the designated assembly point outside of the building at 3,4,5,6 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
  • Anyone who cannot self-evacuate should proceed to the nearest Refuge Point and follow instructions on the refuge system panel
  • Do not re‐enter the building until told that it is safe to do so by the Fire Brigade or the CCLS Fire Coordinator.

Fire - On Discovering a Fire at LIF

  • Raise the alarm first by shouting “FIRE” and then by activating the fire alarm system by breaking the glass on the red box manual call point. These are located by the exits to the stairs or final exits from the building. Do not use the lift
  • Leave the room immediately, taking any visitors and ensuring the door is closed. Do not waste time by taking personal belongings with you
  • Follow the arrow signs to the nearest fire exit and proceed to the designated assembly point outside of the building
  • Anyone who cannot self-evacuate should proceed to the nearest Refuge Point and follow instructions on the refuge system panel
  • Once outside the building call the fire service on 999 giving the following address and request fire service attendance: 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London, WC2A 3JB
  • Do not re‐enter the building until told that it is safe to do so by the Fire Brigade or the CCLS Fire Coordinator.

 Emergency Refuge Points

LIF building is supplied with an emergency refuge system. On activation of the fire alarm system, persons with mobility impairment should proceed to the nearest available refuge. On reaching the refuge, they should operate the press to talk button. This will register on the refuge master station that is situated adjacent to the fire alarm panel. The first responders on arrival will check the refuge master station and contact the refuge outstation that has been activated by using the two-way communication equipment. The person at the refuge must ensure that they hold the press to talk button to talk and release when they have finished. Our staff will also check the location of the fire alarm actuation in respect of how close it is to the person seeking assistance who is located at the refuge outstation and make a dynamic risk assessment of whether they need to be immediately evacuated. If the person seeking assistance is in a place of relative safety away from the incident, then they will be informed that there is no need to be evacuated at this time using the two- way communication equipment. This will be due to the incident being remote from the refuge location and there being a substantial degree of fire resistance and separation between the actuation area and the refuge outstation. If the actuation is close to the occupied refuge outstation, with no fire resistance or separation between the point of actuation and the disabled person, then the first responder will instigate evacuation of the person. This will be effected by way of an Evacuation Chair.

Accident / Incident Reporting Procedure

You should report all accidents and near misses, injuries, sudden illnesses and first aider attendances using the below University online accident / incident reporting system or ask from advice from Reception:


Emergency Contacts

In case of an incident requiring immediate attendance of emergency services, you should always dial 999.

CCLS Reception – 020 7882 8100/8125

QMUL Security - 020 7882 3333

Health and Safety Helpdeskhs-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk or 020 7862 8968/5701

Student Health Service: 0207 882 8710 (term time only)

Centre for Commercial Law Studies Safety Coordinators:

Edith Furlong

e.furlong@qmul.ac.uk  or 020 7882 3361

Gbemisola Adedoyin-Adeniyi

g.adedoyinadeniyi@qmul.ac.uk or 020 7882 8125