Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)
20. Student Services
20.14. Accommodation
The teams main responsibilities are:
Housing Services, based in the Housing Hub, Feilden House, Westfield Way at Mile End, manage halls applications, room allocations, room transfer requests, summer accommodation, residential fees as well as providing a comprehensive alternative housing service.
Residential Services, based at the Residences Reception, France House, Westfield Way at Mile End, look after you once you have moved into Queen Mary Halls and has three key areas you will interact with during your stay; Residential Operations, Residential Life and Residential Welfare and Support.
If you are a resident in University accommodation you should consult the Residents’ Handbook for comprehensive information on all aspects of living in halls including contact details for the relevant teams:
Contact Housing Services
Contact Residential Services