10. Assessment

10.1. Module Assessment Types

Each module has its own distinct method of assessment.

Mode of Assessments

Modules are examined by:

  • online examination
  • course essay
  • Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ)
  • combination of above and other presentation and in-class elements

Please see the Programme Structure and Overview Appendix II, for specific module and assessment overview. 

Please click here to the full Academic Regulations on the following link: Academic Regulations 2023-24

Online exams

Modules assessed by an online examination are assessed by a set of questions that cover
topics taught during the module.

Course Essays

  • Some modules are assessed in full or in part, by course essays.
  • Course essays are always linked to specific taught modules so you will be attending lectures.
  • One of the academics teaching the module will automatically oversee your course essay(s).
  • Late submission with penalty may be accepted. Please refer to late penalty section

Multiple Choice Quiz

  • assessed by a set of questions that cover topics taught during the module.
  • duration is 2hrs, but students are given a 24-hour window to start the MCQ.
  • once you start the MCQ, you cannot pause, and your 2-hour window has begun.
  • No late submission permitted

Class presentations/Oral assessment

Some modules have a class presentation/oral element of assessment. If applicable, this will be fully explained and managed within your class.

Dates assigned for oral presentations are treated as Examination dates – therefore students are expected to attend in person or online on the given date.

Extenuating circumstances may apply for non-attendance – please refer to section for Extenuating Circumstances for further information if appropriate.