4. Preparing for placement - Student and Tutor guidance

4.1. Student Checklist

To ensure that you are ready to start the placement and access all the resources that you may need please ensure you have reviewed the relevant checklist. 

Before placement starts: 

  1. Join a medical defence union, e.g., MPS or MDU, Student membership is free  

  1. Find the MedSoc 2022-23 course guide on QMplus – log in to QMplus and locate the MedSoc course guide (under the clinical placements tab); look at the pre-reading and resource for each placement day  

  2. Complete e-Learning for Healthcare – Freedom to Speak Up  (You will need to set up an account).  We all find it difficult to speak up when we experience something that concerns us. This is especially true for learners. To create safe ‘SPEAKING UP’ culture and help students develop valuable skills the medical school would like all clinical supervisors to complete the short ‘LISTEN UP’ online module. 

  3. Read introductory email from GP tutor with details of Day 1    

On Day 1  

  1. Read and sign the student learning agreement (SLA)  

  1. Agree group ground rules, routes for contact (email, WhatsApp etc) and reporting absences (any absences must be reported to your GP tutor and to QMUL via form on QMplus)   

If you have any queries, or difficulty in accessing any specific resources, please ask your peers, GP tutor or module administrator/convenors as appropriate.