Assignment 1: Creative plot summary and reflective commentary due 23:55 Sunday 30 October
Assignment 1: Creative plot summary and reflective commentary (1500 words)
For this assignment, you should pick a famous figure from the present or from history who can serve as the protagonist of a tragedy. Then, to explore key terms from Aristotle’s Poetics (e.g. mythos, ethos, dianoia, peripeteia, anagnorisis, hamartia etc.), you should produce a 500-word plot summary. Accompany your plot summary with a reflective commentary (1000 words) setting out how your plot design responds to Aristotle’s ideas about tragedy.
In your essays, you should refer to the recommended editions of the primary materials, details of which can be found on the reading list and module outline.
Please use the SLLF coversheet (available from this section of the QMplus module), and take note of the guidelines on it.
word limit for this assignment is 1500, inclusive of footnotes and quotations but
not of bibliography. Over-long submissions will be penalized. Submissions should adhere
to the guidelines set out in the School’s Handbook for Undergraduate Students.
Your work should be properly presented, with correctly formatted references.
Pay careful attention also to the warnings on plagiarism. Above all, complete the task set.
Your final version of coursework for this assignment must be uploaded to QMplus by 23:55 Sunday 30 October, as either a Word document or a PDF file (do not use other file formats). Late submissions without an extension will be penalized, as set out in the School Handbook. Applications should be made in advance of the deadline using the online form available on the School’s landing page.
All coursework for this assignment will be submitted via Turnitin. If you wish to see a Turnitin report on your assignment before submitting the final version you will be able to do so. However, you must ensure that you submit your draft version well in advance, allowing at least 24 hours before the deadline to receive and review your report, and amend and upload your final version of the coursework by the deadline. If you plan to review your work more than once, you must plan your initial submission to allow at least 24 hours between reports.