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Course Detail TELT017 (Self Paced) - QMplus 'Super' Administrator Course

*** please contact elearning@qmul.ac.uk if you have any questions about this session ***


We suggest that participants dedicate 15-20 minutes per day for one week, completing 2-3 tasks per day, in order to achieve the intended objectives of the course.

This course is intended for those who currently have 'super' administrator access to QMplus within their school OR new 'super' admins.

This course assumes at least basic QMplus knowledge (such as that obtained from the Getting Started with QMplus course).

This course will give the opportunity to share and exchange knowledge and practice, as well as hopefully pick up helpful tips along the way.


By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Organise the QMplus categories and modules within their school
  2. Identify and describe the different QMplus roles and permissions, and manage users within the module areas
  3. Define the different end of year processes, what it means to rollover, and execute the relevant process for their school
  4. Organise QMplus assessment activities via the AIB and use the SITS Marks transfer tools where appropriate
  5. Differentiate between the various online classroom options and ways of recording lectures
  6. Discuss different TEL practices around the QMUL community and share their practice with others
  7. Build at least one case study of best practice within their area (or cite an area of work in progress)

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