Topic outline

    • This poster includes text, image and video blocks and uses a two column layout.

    • This poster includes  text and image blocks and uses a three column layout.

    • This poster uses texts and images in a two column layout. Within the text, there are some words that have been hyperlinked to websites.
    • In this example, the page is set to a one column layout so the video is displayed across the width of the page.

    • In this example, the page is set a two column layout where the video is displayed on the left and supporting text is shown on the right.

    • In this example, text responses are shown in different text blocks. There are also video, pdf and image blocks amongst the text blocks. 
    • This example shows a two column layout where journal entries are displayed on the left and image blocks are displayed on the right.

    • Once you have decided on content (whether this is a poster, video or blog), you will need to create a page on QMplus Hub to display this. Click the link above to be taken to a guide on how to set up a QMplus Hub page.

    • After you have created your QMplus Hub page, click here to submit your QMplus Hub page.

      (Make sure you are logged in!)
  • Sponsor

    * The Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation International Foundation (Careif) is an international mental health charity that works towards protecting and promoting mental health and resilience, to eliminate inequalities and strengthen social justice.