Topic outline

  • My Career Planning Micro-Module

    My career planning micro-module

    This course will enable you to construct and implement a personal career plan aligned with your preferred professional sector.

    Four core topics will develop your career planning and career development skills:

    • Global Employment Trends and Opportunities 
    • Career Planning and Decision Making 
    • Developing Future-Facing Graduate Competencies 
    • Effective Self-Presentation and Career Narratives

    Each topic has resources and activities targeted to improve your career thinking, market awareness, job-hunting skills and so improve your graduate career success. The more activities you engage with, the more you will get out of the micro-module.

    To encourage you to explore and get the benefit of all four topics, we will award a Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR), which will feature on your degree transcript if you complete a series of activities to the required level. You will find these completion requirements in each of the core topics and at the end of the micro-module.

    If you have any learning queries about the topic material or encounter any technical issues, please contact the Careers and Enterprise team and we will do our best to help.