Topic outline

  • Module description and Key Textbook

  • How to get help!

    It is vital that you engage with the lecture notes, exercises,  and quizzes, and past examination papers to gain confidence in the understanding and  techniques of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations.  

    There may be times when you need help and you should arrange to meet up with module organiser via email to arrange an onsite meeting (Tuesday afternoon) or arrange a personal  Teams Meeting via email with your lecturer and module lead: 

  • Early feedback questionnaire

  • Week 1 - Introduction

    The first week will be a recall of ordinary differential equations (ODES), the different types, and their role in modelling.  The qualitative approach to studying ODES will be introduced and contrasted with the deficiencies in understanding an ODE by just "solving the equation and finding a solution" 

  • Week 2 - ODES on the real line/ Intro to Bifurcations

    Week 2 - lectures  3-4:  ODEs on the line and Bifurcations (first 3-4 pages). 

     We will consider

    -  linearisation of the system \(\dot x=f(x)\) at a fixed point \(x=x^*\), and its relevance to the local stability of the system. 

    - existence and uniqueness of solutions of ODES

    - introduction to  bifurcation theory (Section 2 of lecture notes :  Bifurcations of dynamical systems on the line (first 3-4 pages)

    Tutorial class : Discussion of exercises and lecture notes

    Exercises  1+

    Continue to attempt the following exercises 1  (Strogatz, p37) 

    2.2.1,   2.2.3,  2.2.5,  2.2.8,  2.2.9, 2.2.10  


    Exercises 2

    ' 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.7

    QUIZ  0 is available 2nd  October , and QUIZ 1 is available 5th October. 

  • Week 3 - Types of one-parameter bifurcation

  • Week 4 - Normal forms of bifurcations

  • Week 5- Dynamical systems on the circle

  • Week 6 - Linear systems on the plane - types of fixed point


  • Week 8 - Linear systems -classification

  • Week 9 - Nonlinear systems I & II

  • Week 10 - Nonlinear systems III & IV

    • Strogatz p.182  (Exercises for Chapter 6 of Strogatz)

      Ex 6.3.1 

      Ex 6.3.15

      Ex 6.3.16 (a).  You can try part (b) by using StreamPlot or equivalent. 

      Ex 6.4.1

      Ex 6.5.2  Write the second order equation as a first order system in 2-variables x and y.  The "homoclinic orbit" is the trajectory that leaves a saddle point  as an unstable manifold (with increasing time) and returns to the fixed point as a stable manifold (see notes for an example). 

      Ex. Investigate the following two systems described in polar coordinates, and sketch their  phase portraits:


      (b) .

  • Week 11 - Nonlinear Systems V & VI

  • Week 12 - Nonlinear systems V & VI

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  • Nonlinear(Ch5) videos

  • Assessment information

  • Reading List Online

  • Q-Review