Enrolment options

WELCOME TO GEG5155: Development Geographies

Welcome to Development Geographies. We are looking forward to teaching and learning with you over Semester A.

The module examines the idea of 'development' as an academic concern, policy and practcie since its inception some 50 years ago. It takes a critical approach to 'development' using geography as a key tool to interrogate its origins and trajectory since.

The module is divided into three blocks. In the first block, we will unpack what development has meant over the years setting it in historical and geographical context, including in the growing concern of the anthropocene. The second block deals with the actors and institutions who have shaped development through uneven relations of power. It will also introduce alternative conceptualisations of development and emerging actors particularly from the global South. The third block encompasses some key issues in development including gender, finance and digital development.  

Please let us know if you have any questions - we, the teaching team, are available in our respective Advice and Feedback hours and over email. 

All the best, 

The Teaching Team: Niranjana, Philippa, James & Louisa

Self enrolment (Viewer)
Self enrolment (Viewer)