Co-chairing and co-creating in Student Voice committees
Topic outline
Co-chairing and co-creating in Student Voice Committees
Thank you for attending this course.
This course looks at how to promote the development of strong partnerships between co-chairs (staff and students) and opportunities for co-creation in SSLCs.
The course follows an evidence-based approach across sectors (not only education). It draws on the best available evidence in terms of the most effective strategies to develop opportunities for more meaningful and rewarding engagement of both staff and students in the co-creation of solutions and change.
As a participant, you are invited to reflect on your current chairing approach and consider strategies which can, ultimately, lead to more student engagement and effect change from Student Voice committees.
This course is an excellent example of co-creation: it has been designed, developed and will be facilitated and monitored by a team that includes students from the QMSU, academics, faculty officers and education and learning advisers from the Queen Mary Academy.
By the end of this course, you will be better able to:
- Describe the principles of promoting student engagement through staff-student partnerships;
- Apply those principles when co-chairing Student Voice committee meetings: receiving contributions (listening) and communicating positions;
- Recognise & apply good practice based on the discussion of scenarios;
- Devise effective partnership approaches as a co-chair;
- Co-create completed actions that foster student engagement and effect change.
This course has 4 modules:
This course will take around 2 hours to complete
Watch this short video (6'):
Now it is time to listen to your ‘voice’.
Use this forum to share your views regarding your expectations for this course (5')
OPTIONAL: Respond to the contributions of your peers.
Watch these two short videos (17'):
VIDEO 2: DISRUPTING POWER HIERARCHIES TO BUILD STUDENT-STAFF PARTNERSHIPSPart 1: ‘From student voice to student action’ Part 2: ‘Outcomes of partnerships’
Share your views regarding the notions and principles of partnerships and co-creation presented in these videos (10')
What benefits and challenges do you anticipate?
How do you perceive your role as a co-chair in this context?
What is the role of communication in the process of co-chairing and co-creation?
OPTIONAL: Respond to the contributions of your peers.
Welcome to Module 2:
Co-chairing and making students’ voice count
In terms of your Student Voice committee meetings, chairs need to consider 3 key areas: connect, understand, give a voice
Connect: for you to build a good rapport and trust, participants must feel listened to. This affirmation helps them overcome inhibitions when approaching you and aids in creating a safe environment, encouraging them to share their problems and needs.
Understand: being a good listener enables you to understand better. Effective conversations can help identify strengths and areas that need improvement and can be utilised to structure actions and interventions.
Give a voice: participants need to know that they have a voice and feel like their contributions matter and are valued. This encourages them to be active participants in the co-creation process.
Here are some exercises that may help you reflect on your strengths and what you could improve. There is always room for improvement!
2.1. Receiving contributions
When participants become better listeners, meetings become better meetings
We usually hear participants in meetings say that it doesn’t do any good to talk because chairs don’t listen—they just lecture. Could this be true? And if so, why?
An effective chair is not only a knowledgeable and skilled academic but also a good active listener. Good listening skills are needed to develop empathy and understanding, encourage dialogue, facilitate discussion and promote the development of the sense of partnership: being on the same side.
It is time to reflect on the way you approach this as a chair. The quiz below does not intend to evaluate your performance but work as a tool you can use to help you identify the dimensions involved in receiving the contribution of others and point out the ones you may need to develop in order to promote this co-creation approach.
Complete this 14-question quiz about receiving contributions (10')
2.2. Communicating Your Position
Acting as a chair involves not only good listening but also good communication skills. One of the keys to effectively influence behaviour and action through communication is to remember it is not just “what you say”, it is “how say it” (and when). Here are some useful tips:
Tone matters: It not just what you say but how you say it. Keep your tone of voice and body language open and warm. You don’t want your message to get lost because people are reacting to your delivery.
Be curious about the other person’s point of view and consider the reasons for their behaviour or opinion.
Speak up and express yourself: use “I” language (to avoid sounding critical). Keep any explanations short and simple. If you have a hard time turning down requests, learn to say no, not yet, or not now. Saying ‘no’ shows you are able to prioritise and can set healthy limits.
Respond, don’t react: if you find yourself feeling strong and unhelpful emotions in an interaction, take a deep breath, pause and think and do not allow those feelings to drive your behaviour.
Think win-win: don’t assume the other person is aiming to undermine or belittle you. Build on their ideas rather than dismissing them. Offer potential solutions and ask the other person to help you shape an answer that works for both of you. Work together on the challenge or issue, exploring it from all sides, finding common ground and a way forward that deals with both of your concerns.
This scenario will help you reflect on your role as co-chair in terms of receiving contributions and communicating your positions.Watch the video (7'):Scenario: Assessment Committee recommends training on assessment literacy
Forum Activity (15')1. Reflect on the scenario and consider:
How would you react? What would you say and how would you say it?
Post your thoughts to the forum.
2. Now that you have had the opportunity to reflect on the way you receive the contributions of others, consider:
What are your strengths? What dimensions need improvement?
Post your thoughts to the same forum.
OPTIONAL: Record & upload a 3' video with your response (attach a file to your post).
Here is an example:
Scenario: Guidance: students must have their cameras on during presentations