Topic outline

  • General

  • MTH6108: Coding Theory (August 2023)

  • MTH6108: Coding Theory (May 2023)

  • MTH742 Advanced Combinatorics (Late summer 2023)

    • MTH742P Late-summer reassessment 2022/23 Quiz

      This handwritten assessment is available for a period of 4 hours, within which you must submit your solutions. You may log out and in again during that time, but the countdown timer will not stop. If your attempt is still in progress at the end of your 4 hours, any file you have uploaded will be automatically submitted.

      In completing this assessment:

      • You may use books and notes.
      • You may use calculators and computers, but you must show your working for any calculations you do.
      • You may use the Internet as a resource, but not to ask for the solution to an exam question or to copy any solution you find.
      • You must not seek or obtain help from anyone else.
      Not available unless: Your ID number is 140465479
    • MTH742 LSR Paper File
      Not available unless: Your ID number is 140465479
  • MTH742 Advanced Combinatorics (January 2023)

    • Semester A Final Assessment Quiz

      This handwritten assessment is available for a period of 4 hours, within which you must submit your solutions. You may log out and in again during that time, but the countdown timer will not stop. If your attempt is still in progress at the end of your 4 hours, any file you have uploaded will be automatically submitted.

      In completing this assessment:

      • You may use books and notes.
      • You may use calculators and computers, but you must show your working for any calculations you do.
      • You may use the Internet as a resource, but not to ask for the solution to an exam question or to copy any solution you find.
      • You must not seek or obtain help from anyone else.
      Not available unless: Your ID number is 140465479