Topic Name Description
Week 3: Typesetting with LaTeX URL Learn LaTeX in 30 Minutes (provided by Overleaf)

Your project must be typeset in LaTex unless you receive an exceptional exemption from your supervisor. As first step, please sign up on and then spend 30 minutes reading this guide and doing the examples.

URL Free Online Introduction to LaTeX (provided by Overleaf)

The easiest way to get started with LaTeX is by using overleaf. Please ensure you go through all parts of this guide and do the exercises. You should do this in week 4 or earlier.

URL LaTeX Installation Guide

Easy instructions to install LaTeX on your own computer, which is optional but highly recommended.

File Getting Started with LaTeX (by David Wilkins)

This is a longer guide to using LaTeX. After you have read the basic guides and created some basic LaTeX documents, this should be helpful as you create more complex documents and work on your dissertation.

File The Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX

Another classic and comprehensive guide to LaTeX.

Week 5: Plagiarism and Research Ethics File Slides on Plagiarism and Research Ethics

Please study the slides carefully. If you have any questions, please come to the drop-in session in Week 6.

Sample Dissertations and Marking Guidelines File Sample Dissertation 1

This is the dissertation for a sample BSc project. It lacks an introduction, which you may want to include, but otherwise is well written.

File Sample Dissertation 2

This is the dissertation for another sample BSc project.

File Marking Guidelines for Project Dissertations

This document is provided as a rough guidance and marks scheme for the project dissertations. Please note that the judgement concerning the quality and exposition of a dissertation is made by the project supervisor/marker.