Topic Name Description
Module Evaluations Feedback 2023-24 File Feedback on Module Evaluations
Assessment File Guidance for MTH6113 exam
Exam papers File Specimen Paper Week 9
File Specimen Paper Week 9 - Solutions
File Specimen Paper Week 11
File Specimen Paper Week 11 - Solutions
File Specimen Paper Week 12
File Specimen Paper Week 12 Solutions
Online Reading List File Typed Lecture Notes
File Brief Lecture Summary
Week 1: Introduction to Asset Management, Review of Statistics and Utility Theory File Introduction
File Practice Set 1
File Topic 1 - Utility Theory
File Practice Set 1 - Solutions
File Practice Set 2 - more questions added
Week 2: Expected Utility Theory and Risk Aversion File Topic 2: Utility Theory Examples , Expected Utility, Risk Aversion
File Week 1 Feedback
File Practice 2 Solutions
File Week 1 Feedback (Friday)
File How to calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
File Linearity of Expectation
Week 3: Stochastic Dominance File Lecture notes
File Some terminology for trading
URL Restrictions on short-selling (SEC)
File Practice Set 3
File Week 2 Feedback (Tuesday)
File Example for First order Stochastic Dominance
File Practice Set 3 Solutions
File More questions on stochastic dominance
Week 4: Measures of Risk File Lecture Notes: Measures of Risks
File Practice Set 4
File Week 3 Feedback
File Practice Set Excel Question
File Practice Set 4 Solutions
File Feedback - Friday
File Extra question on VaR and Expected Shortfall
Week 5: Mean-Variance portfolio theory File Lecture notes: Mean Variance portfolio theory
File Mean-Variance frontier of a portfolio of two stocks
File Mean-Variance frontier for a portfolio of two perfectly correlated assets
File Week 4 Feedback
File Practice Set MVPT
File Practice Set Solutions
File Excel - MV frontier two stocks
Week 6: CAPM File Lecture notes: CAPM
File Practice Set CAPM
File Feedback Week 5
File Practice MVPT - class notes
File Practice Set CAPM Solutions
Assessment 1 - deadline March 15, at 5PM File Assessment 1 Instructions
File Assessment 1 suggested excel file
File Assessment 1 Feedback on marks
Week 7: Friday - in class revision/office hours File Simulated Trading Introduction
File Trading Strategies
Week 8: Factor Models and APT File Lecture Slides
File Tangency Portfolio Example
File Practice Set - Factor Models and APT
File Suggested Steps for Ex. 8
File More on Tangency Portfolio (to be read with the above example)
Week 9: Efficient Market Hypothesis File Lecture Slides: EMH
File Specimen Exam Paper 1
File Specimen Paper Solutions
Week 10: Stochastic Models of Asset Pricing File Lecture Slides
File Lognormal model vs empirical data HSBC
Assessment 2, deadline April 12th at 5PM File Assessment 2 - Instructions
File Assessment 2 Suggested Solutions
Week 11: Behavioral Finance File Lecture Slides
URL Forbes: 3 Ways The Late Daniel Kahneman Has Improved Your Life (Whether You Know It Or Not)
URL Abhijit Banerjee: A Simple Model of Herd Behavior (1992)
URL Dasgupta, Prat, Verardo: The Price Impact of Institutional Herding (2011)
URL Morris: Political Correctness (2001)
URL Nica: Reputation formation and reinforcement of biases in a post-truth world (2023)
Folder Practice Set
File Specimen Paper 2
Week 12: Revision File Revision Notes
File Specimen Paper 3