Topic Name Description
File Lecture notes

Full lecture notes plus the lab material for the module are given here. The material is broken down in weeks. We may make *minor* amendments to the material after each week.

File Scanned lecture notes

This file contains all the handwritten notes of the lectures and it will be updated every week.  The current version contains all the material up to Week 12. It is complete, that is.

File R-demos performed in lectures

This R-file contains all the coding demonstrations that are performed during the lectures and it will be updated every week.  The current version contains all the material seen in the Module lectures, i.e. it is complete.

Week 1 : Overview and Revision File Introductory slides
Week 4 : PCA and its interpretation File Complete the NSS!
Week 7: Mid-term Quiz (15% of final mark) File Mid-term quiz essentials

Information about the date, the format, the available help and the essential tasks you are expected to do for the first mid-term assessment.

File Mid-term quiz sample questions + solutions

Here are some sample questions that will help you during your revision for the first mid-term quiz. 

Update March 5:  We have now added an additional clustering question on the sample questions.

Update March 6: The file now contains the solutions

Week 9 File Glass data for classification lab
Week 10 File The shiny app for ridge regression

As promised, the shiny app. Just run the app in Rstudio and play with it to see the evolution of ridge as function of lambda. You need not edit the code but you may do so if you wish. The code is not particularly complex, it is just the functions for the ridge put inside a wrapper as required by shiny.

Week 11 File Shiny app for lasso

This app has a functionality to retrieve coefficients in the path as function of the shrinkage which is a bar that the user slides. It is written with the shiny package.

Week 12: Revision and end-term Quiz (15 % of final mark) File Sample test

You asked for it ... here is a sample for the midterm test. We'll make solutions available *no earlier* than Wednesday morning/noon.

Update (Wednesday 10 afternoon): the file has solutions as well.

File Sample data

Small data set used for the elastic net example in the notes.

File Revision lecture

Here is the material used for the revision session in the last lecture. Note -as I said in the revision lecture- that this is a compilation of the weekly summary boxes of the booklet.

File Statistics of the sample tests

The results of the test are now available; here is a report of the results.

Exam papers File Bundle of exam 2020 and sample 2020

This file has blank exam and solutions for each of exam 2020 and sample 2020.

File Another from the vault

Some other exams.