Topic Name Description
Lecture Notes File Printed Lecture Notes (from past years)
Week 1 : Introduction to Linear Programming QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Introductory Slides
File Written lecture notes

Note that I slightly edit the notes I wrote in the lecture to correct small mistakes or clarify explanations, but these are essentially the notes I wrote on the ipad. 

File Coursework Questions - Week 1

You will submit your solutions to these questions (together with your solutions for coursework questions from week 2 and week 3) in week 5 on QMplus. Details will be announced closer to the time.

File Seminar Questions - Week 1

These questions are designed to test your knowledge and understanding from Week 1. These questions will be discussed during seminars in Week 2. You do not need to  submit any solutions, but you can and should get feedback on your attempts during seminars.

File Seminar Solutions - Week 1
URL Golden balls: the weirdest split or steal ever!

This is a link to a video of the gameshow Golden Balls, where we see an interesting game theory strategy being used. Later in the module we'll see why this "weirdest strategy ever" is the right thing to do!

Week 2 : Modelling with Linear Programming QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Pre-lecture notes

These are the slides I will write on during the lecture. Note that I may have to alter these a little, so they might not match up exactly with the lecture

File Written lecture notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 2
File Seminar Questions - Week 2
File Seminar Solutions - Week 2
Week 3: Geometry of Linear Programming File Pre-lecture notes

Most notes will be written in lectures. However, it will be useful to have several sheets of grid paper for drawing graphs, which is provided in the pre-lecture notes.

QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written lecture notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 3
File Seminar Questions - Week 3
File Seminar Solutions - Week 3
Week 4: Extreme Points and Basic Feasible Solutions File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written lecture notes

Note that I made some corrections to the notes mainly towards the end in the proof by example that extreme point solutions are the same as basic feasible solutions. In addition, I completed that proof by example in the notes (which we were not able to complete in lecture).

File Coursework Questions - Week 4
File Seminar Questions - Week 4
File Seminar Solutions - Week 4
Week 5: The Simplex Algorithm File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written lecture notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 5
File Seminar Questions - Week 5
File Seminar Solutions - Week 5
Week 6: The 2-Phase Simplex Algorithm File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written Lecture Notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 6
File Seminar Questions - Week 6
File Seminar Solutions - Week 6
Week 8: Duality I File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written Lecture Notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 8
File Seminar Questions - Week 8
File Seminar Solutions - Week 8
Week 9: Duality II and Advanced Modelling File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written Lecture Notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 9
File Seminar Questions - Weel 9
File Seminar Solutions - Week 9
Week 10: Game Theory I File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written Lecture Notes
File Coursework Questions - Week 10
File Seminar Questions - Week 10
File Seminar Solutions - Week 10

The lecture starts 22 mins into the video because of a fault with the AV system this week.

Week 11: Game Theory II File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording

Note that 

File Written Lecture Notes
File Seminar Questions - Week 11
File Seminar Solutions - Week 11
Coursework File Solutions for Coursework 1
Page Coursework 1 - General Feedback

General feedback for first coursework submission

Week 1 - this question was done quite well and most students obtained full marks. There was 1 mark each for parts (a) and (b) for stating that these are not linear programmes and 4 marks for (c) for transforming the linear programme into standard inequality form. 

Week 2 - Part (a) was done reasonably well with around 75% of students obtaining close to the full 5 marks. Part (b) was more difficult as it was not directly comparable to any examples from lectures or the seminars. Around 30% of students got this fully correct obtaining the full 2 marks.  A few more got this partially correct (missing out e.g. the fact that we need c to be at least 0 in the solution). Note that for both parts, there is more than one correct answer.

Week 3 - Part (a) was worth 4 marks. Many students got the sketch correct, but incorrectly concluded that the linear programme was unbounded and so obtained 2/4 marks. Part (b) was worth 3 marks. It was done better with many students finding the correct optimal solution and obtaining full marks. [In this question there were no marks for explaining your method for finding the optimal solution, but in an exam there might be, so make sure you can explain how you arrive at the solution. An incomplete understanding of the method is probably the reason why part (a) was done poorly.]

File Solutions for Coursework 2
File Solutions for Coursework 3
Week 12: Game Theory III and Revision File Pre-lecture notes
QMplus Media Video Zoom recording
File Written Lecture Notes