Topic Name Description
File (Typeset) Lecture Notes by Dr. Arick Shao
Learning Outcomes File Index of Core Skills

This spreadsheet contains a list of all the "core skills" for the module that you should know. Also, next to each listed skill are examples and problems from the module where this skill was primarily used.

While this is not an exhaustive list of everything that could be examined, it is quite extensive, and you will pass the module very comfortably if you can carry out and explain all the things on this list.

Week 1 File Problem Sheet 1

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 1.

File Solutions PS1

Solutions to the problems

Week 2 File Problem Sheet 2

Turn in Question (5), as part of Coursework Submission 1.

File Solutions PS2
Solutions to the problems
Week 3 File Problem Sheet 3

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 1.

File Solutions PS3

Solutions to the problems

Week 4 File Problem Sheet 4

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 1.

File Solutions PS4

Solutions to the problems

Week 5 File Problem Sheet 5

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 1.

File Solutions PS5

Solutions to the problems

Week 6 File Problem sheet 6

Turn in Question (5), as part of Coursework Submission 2. (DO NOT SUBMIT IT AS PART OF SUBMISSION 1)

File Solutions PS6
Week 8 File Problem Sheet 7

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 2.

File Solutions PS7
Week 9 File Problem Sheet 8

Turn in Question (3), as part of Coursework Submission 2.

File Solutions PS8
Week 10 File Problem Sheet 9

Turn in Question (4), as part of Coursework Submission 2.

File Solutions PS9
Week 11 File Problem Sheet 10

Turn in Question (3), as part of Coursework Submission 2.

File Solutions PS10
Week 12 File Problem Sheet 11

There is nothing in this problem sheet to submit. This is only for practice with Week 12 material.

File Solutions PS11
Assessment information File Sample question and good vs bad answers

Here is a sample question along with examples of a bad answer (will not receive much partial credit) an ok answer (will receive some partial credit) and a great answer (full marks). This is to give you an idea of what I expect the answers to look like. 

Exam papers File 2023 Exam

2023 Exam

File 2023 Exam Solutions

Solutions to 2023 exam

Online Reading List URL Div, Grad, Curl and all that by H.M. Shey
Graphical Tools URL Plot Parametric Curves Online

Webpage for plotting and visualising parametric curves.

(By Andy Schmitz)

URL Plot Parametric Surfaces Online

Webpage for plotting and visualising parametric surfaces.

(By Lee Stemkoski)

URL Plot Vector Fields Online

Webpage for plotting and visualising vector fields.

(By Kevin Mehall)