Topic Name Description
Module reading notes File Reading notes

Useful reading notes for the module

File Common distributions
Week 1: Introduction and review of likelihood File Lecture 1A: module overview, likelihood
File Practical 1 for IT class

Practical tutorial for IT class

File R code for practical 1

R code for practical 1

File Lecture 1B: maximum likelihood estimates
File Useful R package
File Exercise sheet 1

Exercise for you to practise (not to be handed in)

File Exercise sheet 1-solutions
File Annotated lecture slides for 29/9
Week 2: Bayes’ Theorem and Bayesian inference File Lecture 2A: Bayes theorem
File Lecture 2B: Bayesian inference

Updated slides: 9-10

File Practical 2 for IT class
File R code for practical 2

R code illustration

File Data set for practical 2

Data set to be used in IT class for practical 2

File Exercise sheet 2 (to be handed in)

Deadline: 16th October, 11:00am

File Annotated lecture slides - 11/10/2023

The lecture slides of class 11/10 

File Exercise sheet 2 solutions
Week 3: Bayesian updating/Conjugate distributions File Lecture 3A: conjugate distributions

Updated with review - 11/10/2023

File Lecture 3B: normal example, continued
File R code for practical 3
File Practical 3 for IT class
File Exercise sheet 3 solutions
File Exercise sheet 3

Exercise sheet for practice (not to be handed in)

File R code for exercise sheet 3
File Annotated slides 3A, class 13/10
File Annotated lecture slides-18/10/2023
Week 4: Conjugate distributions File Exercise sheet 4 (to be handed in)

Deadline: Monday, 30 October, at 11:00

File Data set to be used in exercise sheet 4 problem 1

Data set to be used in exercise sheet problem 1

File R code for practical 4
File Practical 4 for IT class
File annotated slides_20/10/2023
File Solutions to exercise sheet 4
Week 5: Point estimates and credible intervals File Lecture 5A: point estimates and credible intervals
File Lecture 5B: transformed parameters, multiple parameters
File Exercise sheet 5 (not to be handed in)

Exercise sheet for practice 

File annotated lecture slised 25-10-2023
File R code for practical 5
File Practical 5 for IT class

This practical focuses on  posterior estimates and credible intervals

File Data set for ex sheet 5
File Exercise sheet 5 solutions
Week 6: Choosing a prior distribution File Exercise sheet 6 (to be handed in)

Deadline: Monday the 13th November at 11am.

File Exercise sheet 6 dataset
File Lecture 5B: transformed parameters, multiple parameters

Updated with review 

File Lecture 6A: Uninformative prior distributions
File Practice 6 for IT class
File R code for practical 6
File Annotated slides_lecture_5B_transformed_parameters 1/11
File annotated_slides_lecture_6A_uninformative prior distributions_1/11
File Additional example on multiple parameters

This example on multiple parameters will help you for problem 3 of exercise sheet 6

File Exercise sheet 6 solutions
File R code for exercise sheet 6
Week 8: Informative priors, Monte Carlo integration methods and MCMC File Lecture 8A : specifying informative prior distributions
File Lecture 8A: Monte Carlo methods
File Exercise sheet 8 (to be handed in)

Deadline: Monday, 27th November at 11am

File Practical 8 for IT class
File R code for practical 8
File Lecture 8B: MCMC

Updated 17/11

File Annotated slides 17/11
File Annotated slides 15/11 :lecture 8A specifying informative prior distributions
File Annotated slides 15/11: lecture 8A Monte Carlo methods
File Lecture R code Monte Carlo-MCMC

Lecture R code on Monte Carlo integration and MCMC

File Exercise sheet 8 solutions
File R code for exercise sheet 8
Week 9: MCMC File IT class 9
File Exercise sheet 9 (not to be handed in)
File Lecture 9A: Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
File Annotated slides 22/11: lecture 9A MCMC-Metropolis algorithm
File Lecture 9B: Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
File annotated slides 24/11 lecture 9B
File R code for exercise sheet 9
File IT 9 class solutions
Week 10: MCMC and posterior predictive probability File Practical 10 for IT class
File R code for practical 10-binomial/beta
File R code for practical 10-beta/binomial (log scale)
File Exercise sheet 10 (to be handed in)

Deadline:  Monday, 11th December, 11:00am

File Lecture 10A: MCMC implementation issues
File Lecture 10A R code: Exponential/gamma (log-scale)

R code for lecture 10A that implements MH on the log scale for the exponential/gamma example

File Lecture 10A R code: Exponential/gamma (burn in)

R code for lecture 10A that shows how to compute the acceptance probability for different values of the proposal standard deviation and how to use burn in.

File Annotated slides Lecture 10A, 29/11
File Lecture 10B: Posterior predictive probability
File annotated slides lecture 10B-1/12
File Solutions exercise sheet 10
File R code exercise sheet 10
Week 11: Posterior predictive probability and Bayes factor File Practical 11 for IT class
File R code for practical 11
File Lecture 11A: posterior predictive probability
File Exercise sheet 11 (not to be handed in)

Exercise sheet on Bayes factors

File Lecture 11B:Bayes factors and Bayesian model selection

Last topic

File annotated slides Lecture 8/12
File exercise sheet 11 solutions
Week 12: Revision File Practical 12 for IT class
File R code for practical 12
File additional exercises for the final exam

This does not cover everything on the final! Look at the exercise sheets for other topics

File Lecture 12A
File annotated lecture slides_13/12
File annotated lectures 15/12
File exercise sheet 12 solutions

solutions to selected problems

Past exam papers File Exam 2020
File Exam 2021
File Exam 2022
File Exam 2023