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I welcome you to “Licensing Intellectual Property”. As a course concerned with the drafting and enforcement of intellectual property agreements, it corresponds with one of my own areas of research, the inter-relationship of contract, intellectual property and competition law. My most recent article is entitled 'Negotiating FRAND Encumbered Patent Licences' (JIPLP Vol.16 (10) 2021, 1091-1108). My article on 'University Patent Licensing for the Research and Development of Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries' (3 IPQ, Issue 3, 2009, 311-344) has been cited in the literature numerous times. A revised version has been recently published as “Patent Licensing Strategies for the Research and Development of Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries”, in O. Aginam, J. Harrington & P. Yu eds, The Global Governance of HIV/AIDS: Intellectual Property and Access to Essential Medicines (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013, chapter 8, pp. 132- 165). My work explaining the relevant laws applicable to “Online Technology Contracts” was published in The Handbook of Technology Management, (ed. H Bidgoli, Volume 3, Wiley, Hoboken New Jersey, 2010, pp. 842-855). In addition, I have worked as a consultant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, drafting a five-chapter report on “The Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Transitional Economies”. I have a broad experience teaching commercial law in both civil and common law jurisdictions, specializing in intellectual property and contract law. I am committed to supporting students in their studies at both masters and doctoral levels. In 2008 and 2010 I had the honour of being nominated by students for the Queen Mary University of London Drapers’ Award for Excellence in Teaching. A final word concerning the nature of the course and the course materials; as a matter of teaching method, the module will be characterized by its problem-solving approach to such issues as the licensing of standard essential patents. Given the unique focus of the module, in rendering IP licensing a subject of substantive law study, there is no single book that is entirely suitable. Therefore, I will be uploading materials from primary and secondary sources, including draft chapters from my forthcoming monograph Licensing Intellectual Property: Law and Contemporary Issues.

I look forward to meeting you.

With very best wishes for your studies,

Gail Evans

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