Enrolment options

This online course area is intended for staff who attend the Getting Started with QMplus session on Monday 17th February 2020.

This practical session will introduce participants to QMUL's online learning environment - QMplus. We'll provide an overview of QMplus and its most commonly used tools, and focus on the practical use of the system necessary to get started with course building. There will be plenty of hands-on experience to ensure you are in a position to start working on your own QMplus course area as soon as possible.

During the session, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Create a basic course structure
  • Upload resources such as files
  • See how to use powerful features like groups to help with administration
  • Give others access to your course, both staff and students
  • Try out some activities provided by QMplus such as choices and quizzes.
  • Find out ways in which you can see how students are engaging with your module area
  • Understand the basics of online assignment submission, feedback and grades

Guests cannot access this course. Please log in.