SMS MSc Student Handbook 2021/2022 (Sep 2021 Start)

Site: QMplus - The Online Learning Environment of Queen Mary University of London
Module: MSc Mathematics
Book: SMS MSc Student Handbook 2021/2022 (Sep 2021 Start)
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Date: Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 5:28 AM

1. Disclaimer

This handbook should be used together with the Academic Regulations and This handbook provides information specific to the School of Mathematical Sciences, while gives information common to all students at Queen Mary. The Academic Regulations provide detailed information on progression, award and classification requirements.

Nothing in this handbook overrides the Academic Regulations, which always take precedence.

The Academic Regulations are available online at:

The information in this handbook is correct as of [Monday 27th September 2021]We will endeavour to keep the information in this handbook correct but it may occasionally lag behind reality. In the unlikely event of substantial amendments to the material during an academic year, the School of Mathematical Sciences will inform you of any changes via email and QMPlus announcements. You should always refer to the latest version.

Queen Mary cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of information given in third party publications or websites referred to in this handbook.


For a large-font version, please use the zoom control in your web browser to zoom in.

This handbook is available in large print format. If you would like a large print copy, please contact the Maths School Office, Mathematical Sciences Building - MB102, 02078825470. If you have other requirements for the handbook, please contact William Ng (Student Support Officer), 02078825454.

2. Welcome to the School of Mathematical Sciences

Dear Student,

Welcome (back) to Queen Mary and the School of Mathematical Sciences. We have an exciting programme of extra-curricular events lined up for you. Some will focus on helping you develop the skills you will need to get started on your chosen career. Some will be mainly just for fun and a chance to mix socially with other students and staff. We will provide further details on our notice boards and QMplus, and by email.

We have written this handbook to provide you with the background information that you need to organise your studies during the coming academic year. Please note that we update our student information each year, so if you are a continuing student you should always read through the latest version.

A lot of other important information is available via our QMplus landing page. In particular, this page provides access to details of your programme of study and the individual modules we offer. We also publish timely snippets of information on the web and on the display screens around the Mathematical Sciences offices in the Mathematical Sciences Building here in Mile End, so please check these frequently. We intend this handbook primarily for students following degree programmes organised by the School of Mathematical Sciences, but it should also be useful to students taking other joint programmes involving the School. We allocate our students an Advisor (usually your Programme Director or another member of staff who teaches on your programme), and your Advisor and other staff in the School will be happy to try to help if you can't find the information you need in this handbook or elsewhere on the web or in QMplus. You can also ask for help in the Maths School Office, MB102, on the first floor of the Mathematical Sciences Building.

With best wishes for the academic year 2021–22,

Professor Alex Clark
Head of School, September 2021

Photo of Professor Alex Clark

3. Contact Information

Contact Information for SMS

The School of Mathematical Sciences comprises mathematicians who work in pure and applied mathematics, and statistics. The School is located in the Mathematical Sciences Building which is located by Mile End Road, and located in Godward Square of the Mile End Campus (number 4 on the map). The building is a short walk from Stepney Green or Mile End tube stations. You can enter the building from Mile End Road, or alternatively via the Godward Square entrance.

Postal address

School of Mathematical Sciences 
Queen Mary University of London
University of London 
Mile End Road 
London E1 4NS

General queries


Tel: 020 7882 5470.

PGT Admission queries

Contacting specific staff

The following links give contact details for academic staff and Professional Services staff. It is usually best to contact academic staff (at least initially) by email. You may also visit academic staff in pre-arranged meetings or telephone them. Staff may arrange regular "office hours" during which students can drop in.

Each of the four MSc programmes has a Programme Director. If your query is administrative, please contact the Maths School Office or If your query is academic, please contact your programme director.

Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies

Dr Oscar Bandtlow (

MSc Business Analytics

Dr Sebastian Del Bano Rollin (

MSc Financial Computing

Dr Michael Phillips (   

MSc Financial Mathematics

Dr Michael Phillips (   

MSc Mathematics

Dr Ian Morris (

MSc Data Analytics

Dr Primoz Skraba (

Each module has a module leader or convenor, and each module generally has at least one office hour per week allocated during the teaching semester, during which students can meet with the module leader. Before travelling any distance, you should always arrange an appointment with the particular academic staff member by email or phone. Information about academic staff office hours will be available once term starts.

Summer vacation support

During the summer vacation, many academic staff will be away; you may still be able to contact them by email but not otherwise. You should contact the Maths Office or the Student Support Officer (hereafter referred to as "SSO"), if you need academic advice or assistance and cannot contact the appropriate member of academic staff.  The SSO is Mr William Ng:

Contact Information for Joint Programme MSc Students

The School of Economics and Finance

The School of Economics and Finance (hereafter referred to as "SEF") is situated on the third floor of the Graduate Centre.

The postal address for the School is: School of Economics and Finance, Graduate Centre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS.

The School of Economics and Finance website can be found at:

For enquiries relating to your academic studies in SEF please use the following contact details.

Visit: or Mr James Kilvington:

Telephone: 020 7882 8848.

Fax: 020 8983 3580.

The School Office is GC306 and is open Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm.

The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (hereafter referred to as "EECS") is located on the third and fourth floors of the Peter Landin Building, the east end of the ground, first and second floors of the Engineering building and the Informatics Teaching Laboratory (hereafter referred to as the "ITL") that is next to the Peter Landin building.

The postal address for the School is:

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Peter Landin Building, 10 Godward Square, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4FZ.

The relevant contact details for the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science are as follows:

General website:

General Email:

For enquiries relating to your academic studies in EECS please use the following contact details.

The Postgraduate Taught Programmes Officer for EECS is Ms Jennifer Richards:

Ms Richards is based in the ITL Building on the first floor, in the office behind the Helpdesk.

Telephone: 020 7882 7332.

Fax: 020 7882 7064.



4. Mission, Aims and Objectives

Queen Mary's Mission Statement

As detailed in its Strategic Aims, Queen Mary seeks "to teach its students to the very highest academic standards, drawing in creative and innovative ways on its research".

The QMUL Charter contains a list of expectations for both staff and students to help create a community which is mutually supportive and works to further knowledge creation and dissemination.

The aims of Taught Mathematics

  • To ensure that when you graduate you have the mathematical skills most likely to be useful to you and your employers. In particular these include: fluency and accuracy in elementary calculation; ability to reason clearly, critically and with rigour, both orally and in writing, within a mathematical context; and, within the areas that you study, a sense of how and where your mathematical knowledge can be applied.
  • To help you build up more general skills and sound habits. These include the ability to plan your work, to work independently and in groups, to explain your work to others, and to use computers and the internet effectively and responsibly
  • To deliver a set of taught modules in mathematics that forms a coherent whole at the appropriate levels for each year of a university degree. To challenge and encourage all students within a friendly, stimulating and responsive environment.
  • To exploit our research strength by designing modules that will be interesting and useful for the students but also reflect recent developments in the subject; and at the same time to build on those modules and procedures that we have found successful in the past.
  • To deliver sound assessments of your work in order to keep you informed of your progress during your studies and in order to reflect your overall achievements in your class of degree.

The Objectives of Taught Mathematics

  1. All graduates will be able to use deductive reasoning and manipulate precise concepts, definitions and notation, to postgraduate standard.
  2. All graduates will be able to approach a mathematically posed problem with confidence and technical dexterity, to postgraduate standard.
  3. All graduates in programmes that involve analysis of data will have acquired skills in data handling, quantitative statistical analysis, and the ability to synthesise results, to postgraduate standard.
  4. All graduates in interdisciplinary programmes will have developed both basic knowledge and understanding of the companion discipline, and appropriate mathematical expertise, to postgraduate standard.
  5. All graduates will possess appropriate computational skills, to postgraduate standard.
  6. All graduates will demonstrate an ability to write technical reports, to postgraduate standard.

5. Key Dates

The academic year for an MSc student consists of a one-week induction and enrolment period, followed by two 12-week teaching semesters, a 2-week examination period in January, a 4-week examination period in May, and 14 weeks in which to complete a project dissertation. During the induction and enrolment period, you should agree the elective modules in your programme for the year with your Programme Director. 

Dates for the academic year 2021/22 are as follows – Key Queen Mary dates are also available on the ARCS homepage (

Semester A
12 weeks


Welcome Week and enrolment


Mon 20 September – Fri 24 September 2021




Mon 27 September – Fri 17 December 2021


Test / reading week (Week 7)


Mon 8 November – Fri 12 November 2021


Semester A Study Period


Mon 20 December – Thurs 23 December 2021


Winter Vacation



Fri 24 December 2021  – Mon 3 January 2022


Semester A Exam Study Period



Tues 4 January – Wed 5 January 2022

Semester A Examination Period


Thurs 6 January – Fri 21 January 2022

Semester B
12 weeks




Mon 24 January – Thurs 14 April 2022


Test / reading week (Week 7)


Mon 7 March – Fri 11 March 2022


Spring vacation


Fri 15 April – Mon 2 May 2022


Main Study period for Semester 2 & Year Long Modules



Tues 3 May – Wed 4 May 2022


Main Examination period for Semester 2 & Year Long Modules



Thurs 5 May – Wed 1 June 2022


Late Summer Examination Period



Mon 1 Aug – Fri 12 Aug 2022

Project submission date is TBC.

Bank holidays:

-       27th December 2021;

-       28th December 2021;

-       3rd January 2022;

-       15th April 2022;

-       18th April 2022;

-       2nd May 2022;

-       2nd June 2022;

-       3rd June 2022;

Semester A Examination Period Results: We will endeavour to release provisional results by late February (this is an estimated provisional date and will likely change).

Main Examination period for Semester 2 & Year Long Modules Results: We will endeavour to release provisional results by late June (this is an estimated provisional date and will likely change).

Late Summer Examination Period Results: We will endeavour to release provisional results by mid October for examinations and the dissertation (this is an estimated provisional date and will likely change).

Graduation Dates: Summer Graduation usually takes place in mid-July and Winter Graduation usually takes place in mid-December. All Graduation dates will be confirmed later in the academic year and all information can be found here -

Individual Coursework and Assessment Submission Dates: Any individual module coursework or assessment dates are noted on the module QMplus pages and all students will be notified of key submission deadlines during lectures and tutorials, as well via module announcement emails.


You must submit claims as soon as possible and at the latest by:

Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 5pm

for matters relating to Semester A and January 2022 Exam period

Wednesday 8th June 2022 at 5pm

for matters relating to Semester B and the Main exam (May/June) period


for matters relating to Late Summer exam period and Dissertation

Claims submitted after the relevant deadline will not be considered.



6. What must I do as a Student?

  • Read this handbook carefully at the start of the year and refer to it later if you have a question about your course.
  • Monitor email communications from SMS staff sent to your email address.
  • Check the School QMplus landing page and the student information notice boards in the Mathematical Sciences offices regularly.
  • Visit your advisor at the start of your course, and answer any email from your advisor promptly.
  • Keep your advisor informed of your circumstances and any problems you may experience.
  • Keep your full contact details up to date in MySIS.
  • Submit all exercises required for each module by the stated deadline.
  • Inform the module organiser if you withdraw from a module or start a module late.
  • Ensure you are registered for the correct degree programme, which should be the one you were originally accepted for unless you have explicitly changed it.
  • Ensure that you prearrange and respect appointments made with your advisor and lecturers; please see Contact Information.
  • Respect Queen Mary policy on harassment, which states that all members of Queen Mary are entitled to work within an environment where they are treated with dignity and respect and where harassment of any kind is unacceptable.
  • Don't smoke except in designated areas.

Updating Personal Details

It is important that Queen Mary has up-to-date personal details for all students. You can update your address and contact details online using MySIS, although a change of name must be done in person at the Student Enquiry Centre in room CB02 of the Queens' Building with accompanying identification. Please also ensure you notify the Maths Office so that we can update our departmental records.


Queen Mary will communicate with you in a variety of ways. Formal correspondence will be sent to you by electronic letter, and it is important that you keep Queen Mary up to date with your personal details and address. You can do this online via the MySIS record system:

It is most common for the school/institute, Queen Mary and the Students’ Union to contact you by your Queen Mary email. You are assigned a university email address when you enrol, and you are responsible for checking this account on a daily basis. All major notifications and updates will be sent to you by email first.

You can access your email account by logging on to a Queen Mary computer, or, if you are not on campus, at:

Email Etiquette

Email is often the best way to contact Queen Mary staff, but you must use your Queen Mary email account and, in the email body, include both your full name (as registered with Queen Mary) and your 9-digit student number. Use standard and correct English with correct capitalisation; you should avoid using abbreviations or colloquialisms. Save "txtspk" for friends and family! Address staff by their title and surname: for example, Prof Gnedin, Dr Phillips, Ms/Mr/Mrs/Miss Ng. You can check staff titles on the School of Mathematical Sciences web pages, here. If you are replying to an email then please include a copy of that email.

If you follow the above requirements then you can reasonably expect an acknowledgement within about two working days and a full reply within about five working days during term time, but responses may take longer during vacations. If you do not follow the above requirements then we may ignore your email.

Requesting References

If you want an academic reference for a job or further study, you should normally ask your advisor. If you need a second reference, you should ask another member of academic staff who knows you and your work well, but they may refuse.

You should always ask a member of staff well in advance whether they are willing to act as a referee before naming them on an application form. If you ask them by email then you must follow the email etiquette above. If you need letters of reference (rather than just names of referees), you should allow about two weeks for your referees to write them and referees may refuse to provide references with less than one week's notice.


The Code of Student Discipline may apply to any action of misconduct whether it takes place on or off Queen Mary premises. The Code also applies to actions that are electronic and occur via electronic means such as (but not limited to) the internet, email, social media sites, chat rooms or text messages.

The Queen Mary Code of Student Discipline covers general student behaviour. Please respect others by refraining from talking during lectures (except to members of staff) and in the library (except in designated areas). If you persistently talk during lectures or in quiet areas of the library then Queen Mary may take disciplinary action against you; we take a serious view of behaviour that prevents other people from working.

The Code of Student Discipline applies to any action of misconduct whether it takes place on or off QMUL premises. The Code also applies to actions that are electronic and occur via electronic means such as the internet, email, social media, or other communication technology such as mobile phones unless it is clearly stated that these are allowed in specific open book examinations or assessments by the Module Organiser.

Further details can be found here -

Zero Tolerance campaign

In support of its values, Queen Mary takes a zero tolerance approach to all forms of behaviour from staff, students or visitors that might violate the dignity of others. Zero tolerance means that Queen Mary will never tolerate, condone or ignore bullying, harassment or hate crime of any kind. All members of Queen Mary have a collective responsibility to: encourage a culture of dignity and respect; to treat others fairly, with courtesy and consideration; and to challenge inappropriate behaviour when it is safe to do so. More information on the Zero Tolerance campaign can be found here:  


Report + Support: tackling harassment, gender-based violence and hate crime

Queen Mary is committed to creating an environment for work and study where staff, students and visitors are treated with dignity and respect.  We have no place for bullying, harassment and hate. We recognise that these behaviours can take many forms.  Any allegation of harassment, hate crime, bullying or victimisation will be treated seriously, regardless of the seniority of those involved, and anyone found to have behaved unacceptably may be the subject of disciplinary action subject to the processes detailed in the relevant Queen Mary policies.


Report + Support is our secure online platform for anyone at Queen Mary to report harassment, gender-based violence or hate crime, and find out about support options. If you have experienced or witnessed any form of bullying, harassment, violence or hate crime, please see


All members of Queen Mary have a collective responsibility to: encourage a culture of dignity and respect; to treat others fairly, with courtesy and consideration; and to challenge inappropriate behaviour when it is safe to do so. More information can be found here:


During application and at (re-)enrolment you provide us with personal information about yourself such as relevant addresses and information about your background, which is held in systems such as MySIS. It’s important that you ensure this information is accurate and keep it up to date. Throughout your studies (or after you graduate) you may also provide, or we may collect, other personal information and you should be aware that this also includes any work you submit for assessment in the course of your studies. Tutors may occasionally use anonymised student essays (or portions from them) as part of the teaching process. We hope you will be willing to support your fellow students by allowing this, but you may opt out by contacting your Maths School Office (MB-102). Other markers of engagement are monitored to help support students. If you engage with your Advisor or other support services, notes may be kept and shared with appropriate individuals.


We ensure that all personal data is held securely and not disclosed to third parties without your consent, unless we are obliged to do so by law - for example the annual student record that we submit to the Higher Education Statistics Agency - or other conditions allow.


HESA requires us to collect details of our students’ ethnicities and disabilities as a means of monitoring the success of equal opportunities policies at a national level. This information is kept confidential and helps us to provide you with support and information on facilities and services that may be useful.


When you enrol or re-enrol online you will be asked to read a privacy notice about the purposes for which we use your personal data and to whom we may disclose it when required. You must read this carefully. All personal data is maintained in accordance with data protection legislation.  For more information, visit: and/or contact Queen Mary’s Data Protection Officer via


Please do not use your mobile phone or allow your mobile phone to make any sound in lectures, classes, the library, computing laboratories or staff offices. If you do then a member of staff may ask you to leave. You must switch off your mobile phone in all tests and examinations. Allowing your mobile phone to ring during a test or an examination is a disciplinary offence that will normally lead to failure in the test or examination with a mark of zero, with more severe penalties for a second offence.


When you enrol or re-enrol at the start of each academic year you agree to Queen Mary’s Tuition Fee Regulations, , which set the deadlines for paying tuition fees. Failure to pay your tuition fees by these deadlines may lead to your deregistration from your programme of study, under College Ordinance C3  

7. Key Information about the School of Mathematical Sciences

Maths office

Your main point of contact for administrative matters is the Maths School Office, MB102, on the first floor of the Mathematical Sciences Building. There is a student notice board displaying key information. The Maths School Office opening hours during term time are 9:00am–5:00pm (last admission 4:45pm) every weekday. More limited opening hours may apply during vacations. Notice boards are for official notices from members of staff and sometimes carry urgent information such as changes to examination rooms, so you should check them regularly.

MSc student facilities

The School provides a shared computer lab, room MB-302 on the third floor of the Mathematical Sciences Building, for MSc and final year MSci students, with computer facilities for project work, writing dissertations, online research and online access to the library catalogue, e-journals and e-books.

Electronic displays

There are electronic displays are located throughout the Mathematical Sciences Building and more prominent in the student social and study areas. There is an additional electronic display located in the main seating area in the Maths School Office, MB-102.  They show breaking news, events, short-term information such as details of forthcoming meetings and examinations, and topical information such as the "Theorem of the Day". 

Exercise collection boxes

There are red locked boxes located along the wall in the UG Study Space (Mathematical Sciences Building, MB-103). They are used for submitting exercise worksheets and weekly homework. 

Websites and QMplus

The School of Mathematical Sciences website has a few pages relevant to current postgraduate students, but most information for current postgraduates is in QMplus, the Queen Mary online learning environment. Other key websites are the Queen Mary Student Information System, MySIS, and the Queen Mary student portal, MyQMUL. You will need to log into MySIS and (sometimes) QMplus, using your Queen Mary username and password, to access personal or confidential information: MySIS for the name of your academic adviser or your main examination results; QMplus for your personal timetable and other teaching information. Queen Mary uses QMplus to support all taught modules, which should be explained at the start of each module. We also use it to provide a lot of general information (including this handbook). The i2 Student Support QMplus page provides information regarding student experience and welfare.

Online media

The School has an official Twitter feed Twitter icon and Facebook page Facebook icon which we use to provide the most up-to-date information regarding the School and mathematics generally.


The teaching timetable provides information about the times and locations of lectures, exercise classes and computing labs. Your timetable will include lectures and support classes for all your modules. You have access to your own personal timetable by logging in to QMplus or you can access the complete Queen Mary Central Web Timetables.

Study programme and module details

You can find postgraduate study programme and module details, and past exam papers, on QMplus via links on the landing page. The postgraduate module list includes links to the individual QMplus module pages, which provide teaching materials such as lecture notes and exercises.

Computer facilities

There are a number of computer labs on campus that you can use, see the next chapter of this handbook, entitled "IT Services".

Student Service computer availability around the campus is shown online here.

If you prefer to use your own computer then, as a Queen Mary student, you can obtain free copies of the mathematical computing packages Maple, Mathematica, or Matlab to run on your own Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS or Linux / Unix computer.

Students in a Computing Lab

8. IT Services

An Introduction from IT Services

Our services to support students range from email and internet access, to state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities and high performance computing in support of research. There are a number of rooms around the campus that contain computers which students can use. You sign in using your Queen Mary username and password. In general, any computer you use will have all the applications that you need for your course available to you.


Your IT Account: Details of your Queen Mary username and password will be emailed to your personal address before you enrol.


The IT Service Desk is the first point of contact for all IT help, support and advice. You can Live Chat with the Service Desk 24/7 , call on 020 7882 8888 or raise a ticket via the Self Service portal Visit us in the Queens' Building on the Mile End Campus.  Should you require in-person support then please contact us via Live Chat and we can book you in. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 7am-7pm.


Find an available PC on campus: an interactive map showing which rooms have empty seats


Print, Copy, Scan: There are printers located across campus to use, with all devices offering both copying and scanning facilities alongside printing. Wireless printing services are also available and more information can be found on the ITS webpage. The cost of printing and photocopying is automatically linked to your MyPrint account, which is linked to your student ID card. You are charged for printing and copying by clicks (1 click = 1 side of paper). The cost of a single side is 4p but drops to 3.5p when you print double-sided. All students will receive £10 each year through your MyPrint account to use for printing and copying.


The CopyShop: A quick, professional and cost-effective photocopying and printing service. We can print a range of items for you, including: Theses/Dissertations, Lecture notes, Posters and much more.


Book Scanning Service: The CopyShop offers students a professional scanning service. If you wish to retain a section of a publication for study use, the CopyShop produce a clear image without fingers tips, black areas and poor results for you.

We can also scan materials you wish to include in your research materials in the correct format you need, for example Research Posters for William Harvey Day….no more fuzzy images.

Wi-Fi: The wireless network you use to connect your devices is eduroam. Halls of residence are fully networked with Wi-Fi and a wired socket in each study bedroom. Access to e-mail, QMplus the online learning environment and other services relevant to your study at Queen Mary is available from the internet as a whole.


Mobile app: Queen Mary’s mobile app is available as a native app for Android (version 2.3.3 or higher) and iOS (version 6.0 and above) devices. The app allows you to do a number of things on the move, including: check your course timetables, log into QMplus and your Queen Mary email, search for and renew library books directly from your phone.


Policies: The use of IT facilities is covered by University regulations prohibiting, among other things, software piracy and unauthorised computer use. IT Services policies are published here:


The IT Services website contains information on a number of our services and includes a range of self-help guides


Contact the IT Service Desk

IT Live Chat:

Self Service:


Telephone: 020 7882 8888 (24/7)

9. Advice and Support

You will be allocated a Advisor and there is a Programme Director for each degree programme; see below.

For straightforward administrative enquiries, normally you ask in the Maths School Office first. For general academic advice, normally you ask your adviser / Programme Director (they may well be the same person) or the Student Support Officer. Their roles are described below.

How do I know who my advisor is?

The relevant Programme Director will generally be assigned as an Advisor for postgraduate students; see Contact Information. MySIS will show who your current adviser is. If you cannot find who your current adviser is then please contact the Maths School Office.

The Advisor's Role

Your advisor's role is to give you information and advice during your studies; in particular to discuss with you and approve any electives in your "module registration" – the list of modules you register for each year. You should get to know your advisor, and normally you would ask them to act as a referee for job applications, etc. If possible, you will keep the same advisor throughout your time at Queen Mary. Teaching is not part of an advisor's role, although your advisor may be willing to help you with mathematical problems.

You should visit your advisor at the start of each semester to agree your programme of study for that semester, and you should visit your advisor at least once again during each semester to discuss your progress. It is also important that you discuss with your advisor any academic, financial, medical or other problems as soon as they arise. Your advisor can then refer you to the appropriate person within Queen Mary to deal with your problem, which you may also need to report to the Programme Director (if not advisor) or the Student Support Officer; see below.

The Advisor / advisee relationship

The aim of the advisor-advisee relationship is to

  • Foster and develop in our students a sense of value for and ownership of their education.
  • Actively promote our students' involvement in the planning and achievement of their academic and career goals.
Responsibilities of the Advisor
  1. Be available for advisees for scheduled meetings and via email according to School policy.
  2. Help the advisee to understand the academic and administrative processes of Queen Mary.
  3. Help the advisee to understand the expected standards of achievement and likelihood of success in certain areas of study.
  4. Help the advisee to decide on details of a study programme and give advice about modules.
  5. Be involved in discussions with the student and other School staff in the event of poor attendance or performance.
  6. Refer advisees to other resources when appropriate, such as specialist careers or counselling advice.
  7. Provide references for current and former advisees.
  8. Read the Staff handbook and the Student handbook.
Responsibilities of the Advisee
  1. Be aware of your advisor's office hours (if applicable). When using email, follow email etiquette.
  2. Acquire information needed for selecting modules appropriate to your study programme.
  3. Seek academic and career information needed to meet your educational goals.
  4. Become knowledgeable about the relevant policies, procedures, and rules of Queen Mary.
  5. Be prepared with accurate information and relevant materials, such as completed forms, when contacting your adviser.
  6. Read the Student handbook.

Please note: Meetings with your advisor should be scheduled via email to take place at a mutually convenient time; see Contact Information.

The Student Support Officer's Role

The Student Support Officer is there to help you with any difficulties that are not primarily academic, and to provide an additional layer of support between the Maths Office and the academic staff. The Student Support Officer is an expert on the technical and bureaucratic aspects of student life. In particular, the Student Support Officer will act as a back-up advisor when your advisor is not available, will help you report extenuating circumstances, will direct you to the appropriate Queen Mary support services such as Advice and Counselling (see below), and may be available when the Maths Office is closed. The Student Support Officer will also help us to monitor your attendance, exercise submission, and marks for in-term assessment, and may discuss these issues with you.

an introduction from the Advice and Counselling Service

The Advice and Counselling Service offers confidential, professional support services to all Queen Mary students. We have helpful advice and guidance for financial, immigration and other practical issues as well as emotional and mental health support on our website ( You will also find information there about our services and contact details.


Financial, Immigration and Welfare Advice


Our Welfare Advisers can advise you on solutions and options relating to financial, immigration, practical and welfare issues. We provide specialist advice and support on all aspects of student finance (loans, grants, bursaries), hardship funds and welfare benefits. We can help you plan your budget and find out how to reduce your spending. If you are an international student we can advise you on your immigration rights. We can advocate on your behalf if you need help resolving an issue, for example with Student Finance England or the UK Home Office.


We offer dedicated support for students who no longer have contact with their family (estranged), and students who have experience of local authority care, and students from a refugee background. We also provide support for students experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage.



Life can seem like a struggle at times, and it is normal to sometimes feel a bit low or anxious. Sometimes, though, emotional and psychological issues can become too challenging, and may have a negative effect on your studies and well-being. Our Counsellors can help you to make sense of difficult experiences and feelings by providing the opportunity to think and talk reflectively, which can bring relief and meaningful changes.


The first step is meeting confidentially with one of our Counsellors to discuss what type of support might be most useful to you. This might be short term counselling, group therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy or a referral for longer term support or specialist services outside Queen Mary  / in the NHS. For many students, just one or two sessions can really help. Our Counsellors are all highly experienced in working with students, and all types of issues.


Mental Health


We also have a mental health team who can advise and support you to manage a mental health condition while you are studying at Queen Mary. Our Mental Health advisers can advise you about the local NHS and other support services available in Tower Hamlets and the neighbouring boroughs as well as offering a range of interventions to help you manage your mental health.  


Contacting the Advice and Counselling Service 


For more information about available services and contact details please visit the Advice and Counselling Service’s website:

Email: via website online form

The Roles of the Director of Education and Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies

The Director of Educations is Dr Shabnam Beheshti. Her email is:  She oversees all taught programmes and takes primary strategic responsibility for programme development and resource allocation. The Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies is Dr Oscar Bandtlow.  He takes primary operational responsibility for postgraduate programmes including student information and quality assurance. His email is:

Getting Help

If you have administrative or technical questions relating to a specific module then you should approach the module organiser, either at the end of a lecture or in the module organiser's office hours; see Contact Information. Some module organisers may also provide additional support for students who are finding the module difficult – ask about this if necessary.


The Academic Skills Enhancement (ASE) service works in a number of ways with taught students at any level, undergraduate or postgraduate, from any subject discipline, to develop the skills and practices needed to become more effective in their academic work and excel at university.


Areas covered include: writing for academic purposes, effective reading and note-making, presentation skills, time-management, critical thinking, understanding marking criteria, using feedback, revision and exam preparation and avoiding plagiarism.  We also support the work of student mentors through providing resources and training to support peer and social learning.


Academic Skills Tutors offer support and developmental opportunities in the form of one-to-one tutorials, workshops, drop-ins, and self-access resources. In addition, we host  Royal Literary Fund (RLF) Fellows who offer writing advice to both taught and research students.


Academic Skills Enhancement (ASE) are part of the Library Teaching and Learning Service and are based on the Mile End Campus and online.  For more information on the services and resources available, and how to access them, visit .


MyQMUL should be used together with this handbook for general information on your time at Queen Mary. MyQMUL contains a wide range of information, including:

  • Academic and student support services;
  • The academic year;
  • Campus facilities;
  • Details of some key Academic Regulations;
  • How to? advice;
  • QM contact information;
  • Calendar
    • Graduation
    • Student administration, and enrolment advice;
  • QM policies;
  • Campus and QM information.

Access MyQMUL at:

Bursaries, Grants and Scholarships

Student Loans

If you have applied for funds from Student Finance then you will receive the first instalment once you have enrolled fully for the academic year. If your payments do not arrive and you cannot remedy the problem with Student Finance yourself, please contact the Student Enquiry Centre, They will be able to assess for any actions needed by Queen Mary and advise you of the next steps.



Queen Mary Bursaries are assessed using the household income information provided to us from Student Finance.


If you do not wish to take out student funding, such as loans, but still wish to be assessed for a Queen Mary Bursary you will still need to apply for a household income assessment, full details on how to do this are on the Advice and Counselling Service website.


Full details of the Queen Mary Bursary, including eligibility, amounts and payment dates can be found on our website -


Queen Mary Financial Assistance Fund

If you have exceptional or unforeseen costs or you are in financial hardship you could be eligible for help from the Financial Assistance Fund.  The fund is there to help any eligible student who has a particular financial need but we cannot meet every application we receive and we cannot always meet all of the costs that you might apply for. Full details, guidance and an application form can be found on our website -





Dean’s Benevolence Fund

Students in the School of Medicine and Dentistry in financial difficulties may apply for grants or interest-free loans or a combination of both. Priority is given to students in good standing who need short-term assistance to help them complete their studies.


Contact Kate McFarlane (

Telephone: 020 7882 2124

10. Students' Union Societies

Queen Mary Students' Union supports a wide variety of societies. The Students' Union web pages also list details about how to set up your own society if none of the existing groups fit your interests.

Maths Society


We have a hugely popular and successful society which recently won awards including Academic Society of the Year. The society consists of students who are enthusiastic about mathematics and want to share their passion with the rest of Queen Mary. The society's main role is to organise social events to get everyone in the School of Mathematical Sciences together. Non-maths students are of course welcome as this will help promote the subject and the whole society in Queen Mary.  Their stated aim:

We hope to make the society as successful as possible and make members feel proud of being part of the society. We will make the best use of students' membership fees and try to include as many members as possible in our decision making.

You can find more information about the Maths Society at or check out their Facebook Group at

The following societies may be of particular interest to students on joint programmes.

Economics Society


This society allows students interested in economics to meet up in an informal way to discuss business-related issues as well as forming friendships through debates, dinners out in the City and other social events.

Business Society


This society aims to provide a support network to its members with information and advice, as well as providing a forum for members to share their ideas and opinions about anything related to business. Queen Mary Business Society believes in engaging students in enterprising student activities such as workshops, presentations, skills development sessions and much more to improve students' future prospects. This society understands the high value of commercial awareness and intends to provide students with opportunities to gain a further insight into the business world.

Students in front of the Queens' Building

11. Student Services


The Student Enquiry Centre team provide support to all Postgraduate Taught students and can help with a wide variety of queries. If you are not sure about something or do not know who to contact, we can help.  We are located on the ground floor of the Queens’ Building, CB01. Our contact details are:

Student Enquiry Centre Online (accessed via MySIS -


Telephone: 020 7882 5005.

Follow us on twitter @QMULSEC


The Student Health Service (SHS) is a free National Health Service (NHS) providing a wide range of medical services. Registrations for the SHS can take place online, for all students living in inner London unless for clinical reasons. The SHS on campus is located in the Geography Building, Mile End (number 28 on map). If you cannot register with the SHS for clinical reasons or because you live outside inner London or if more convenient to register with a doctor close to where you live, you can find a list of local doctors through the NHS website. Queen Mary students who are not registered patients may be able to use the service in certain circumstances. Please, visit the Student Health website for further information.

Disability and Dyslexia Service

The university’s Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) offers advice, guidance and support for students with disabilities, including specific learning differences like dyslexia and dyspraxia, as well as mental health difficulties, from application through to graduation. The range of support that the DDS is able to provide includes:


•       Support and guidance in applying for the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA)

•       Support for international disabled students

•       Liaison with staff in Queen Mary’s Schools regarding ‘reasonable adjustments’

•       Support in ensuring that course materials are fully accessible

•       Diagnostic assessments for students who think that they might have specific learning differences

•       Specialist one-to-one study skills support for students with dyslexia and other specific learning differences

•       Specialist mentoring support for students with mental health difficulties and autism

•       On-site DSA needs assessments

•       Access to non-specialist human support, e.g. note-taking

•       Access to assistive technology

•       Guidance in accessing examination concessions such as additional time



Telephone: 020 7882 2756



an introduction from Residential Services and Support

The team’s main responsibilities are:


Housing Services, based in the Housing Hub, Feilden House, Westfield Way at Mile End, manage halls applications, room allocations, room transfer requests, summer accommodation, residential fees as well as providing a comprehensive alternative housing service.


Residential Services, based at the Residences Reception, France House, Westfield Way at Mile End, look after you once you have moved into Queen Mary Halls and has three key areas you will interact with during your stay.  Residential Services is made up of 3 teams; Residential Operations, Residential Life and Residential Welfare and Support.


If you are a resident in College accommodation you should consult the Residents’ Handbook for comprehensive information on all hall related issues, and contact details for the relevant section of Residential Services:  


Contact Housing Services



Contact Residential Services



Queen Mary University of London Students' Union (QMSU)


Queen Mary Students' Union is a democratic membership organisation that is the voice of all Queen Mary students. The Union ensures that Queen Mary and the wider community are listening to what students want and works to improve students’ experience. The Union is led by students across Queen Mary. Every Queen Mary student is automatically a member of the Union and has a say in how it is run through elections and their representatives. QMSU also offers advice and support to every Queen Mary student.

The Union provides a number of student-run activities, like sports clubs, societies, student media and volunteering, as well as student-led events and services in Mile End and Whitechapel including a sport and fitness centre and several shops and venues.

Faith at QMUL

QMUL welcomes over 25,000 staff and students on its campuses in London and is committed to encouraging religious understanding, freedom of speech and open social interaction. 

QMUL is proud of its diverse multicultural population. With a variety of faiths among staff and students, our facilities are designed to be places where people of all faiths are welcome to use the spaces for contemplation, reflection, meditation and worship.

Please, visit Faith at QMUL for further information, including facilities and services, policies and guidelines and other useful information.


Music is central to cultural provision at Queen Mary. Music at QMUL can help if you are interested in applying for music scholarships, joining an ensemble, taking up tuition or simply attending one of the many musical events organised by Dr Paul Edlin, Director of Music. Please, visit Music at QMUL for further information.


There is a range of volunteering opportunities available to Queen Mary students through Provide Volunteering, a scheme that offers students the chance to get involved in the local community, with charities and organisations in Tower Hamlets and across London. Provide Volunteering gives students the opportunity to make a difference, develop valuable skills and get involved in their local area. Full information is available at Queen Mary Students' Union Volunteering.

Students in the Maths Building

12. Student Representation and Feedback

Your views are important to the School of Mathematical Sciences and to Queen Mary. There are a variety of ways in which you can communicate your opinions to us. At an institutional level, there are student representatives on Council, Senate and various committees across Queen Mary.

Student-Staff Liaison Committee

The School of Mathematical Sciences postgraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) normally meets twice a semester. It discusses matters of interest to postgraduates, including the curriculum, student welfare and facilities, and advises the Head of School. The Students' Union arranges elections for at least one student course representative from each MSc programme. Please raise any matters of concern with one of your student course representatives.

The School takes suggestions from the SSLC very seriously. The committee is chaired by Professor John Moriarty and attended by the Head of School, Director of Education, Programme Directors, Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies and the Education Services Manager. We provide details of the SSLC on QMplus, including minutes of past meetings. See also Student feedback.

Student Ambassadors

The School of Mathematical Sciences employs a number of students to act as guides and talk to prospective students who attend open days or post-offer visit days. There are similar opportunities within Queen Mary. Look out for emails and notices if you are interested, and see i2 Keepin' it real - Maths student support.

Module Evaluation Questionnaires

Each semester, we will ask you to complete a standard questionnaire for each of the Mathematical Sciences modules that you are taking. We use the results to try to identify any problems and rectify them.

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is conducted every year. It is facilitated by Advance HE, the national body that champions teaching excellence. The PTES gives you, as a postgraduate taught student, an opportunity to give your opinions on what you like about your time at Queen Mary, as well as those aspects that you feel could be improved. Please do consider completing the survey; your feedback really is invaluable and will help us make a difference for future generations of Queen Mary students.

How can I provide personal feedback?

You are welcome to make suggestions for improvement to members of staff, such as your module organisers or advisor, and we will try to pursue any serious suggestions that may lead to improvements in our procedures. More information can be found here.

13. Appeals and Complaints

Please visit the Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office web site for further information (if required).

A Formal Appeal is a request to review a decision about progression, assessment or award.

Before you submit a Formal Appeal please speak to the Maths Education Services Team about the decision you wish to appeal as many issues can be resolved without the need to enter into a lengthy formal process.

The School of Mathematical Sciences will be able to provide you with feedback on your marks, or degree classification, and to answer any queries you have. Please note that a Formal Appeal cannot provide feedback on academic work. Appeals against academic judgment are not permitted, this means you cannot appeal simply because you think the mark you have received is too low.

There are two grounds for appeal:

  • procedural error: Where the process leading to the decision being appealed against was not conducted in accordance with Queen Mary’s procedure, such that there is reasonable doubt as to whether the outcome might have been different had the error not occurred. Procedural error shall include alleged administrative or clerical error, and bias in the operation of the procedure.
  • that exceptional circumstances, illness, or other relevant factors were not made known at the time for good reason, or were not properly taken into account.

An Formal Appeal must be received within 14 days of the notification of the decision you want to appeal and should be submitted from your Queen Mary email to

Further information about how to appeal and the appeal form can be found on the Queen Mary website:

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your appeal you may submit a Final Review for consideration by the Principal’s nominee. Once a Final Review is complete you will be sent a Completion of Procedures letter which outlines the final decision of Queen Mary and the reasons for the decision.


We hope you will not need to complain, but if you would like to raise any issues, either as an individual or as a group, please follow the procedure described below, which provides the most up-to-date information including who to contact in relation to particular complaints.

Remember also that there are elected student representatives on the Student-Staff Liaison Committee. They are not part of the Queen Mary complaints procedures, but they may have useful experience and advice, and if you think your complaint is a matter of general interest you may take it to one of them. You can also speak with the Education Services Team, who can give you help and guidance at every stage of the complaints procedure.

The School of Mathematical Sciences undertakes not to disadvantage you if you make a complaint in good faith. The School also understands and respects the fact that you may need to complain in confidence.

Before you submit a Formal Complaint please speak to the Maths Education Services Team about the decision you wish to appeal as many issues can be resolved informally without the need to enter into a lengthy Formal Complaint process.


If your issue is not resolved through the informal process then you will need to complete the Formal Complaint form and submit this to Mr S Rawstron (Education Services Manager, Maths) at for investigation under the Student Complaints Policy:

Most complaints are resolved at the Formal Complaint stage but if your matter is still not resolved then there is one review stage to the policy.

When the complaint process is finished you will be issued with a Completion of Procedures letter explaining the final decision and the reasons for it.

Queen Mary has a specific Formal Complaints procedure which is designed to help you raise any concerns that you may have with either academic or non-academic issues. 

The policy is driven by the following principles:

  • transparency – it spells out who is responsible for dealing with your complaint at each stage of the process, and indicates what action you should take if you feel dissatisfied with the outcome;
  • speed – there are target timescales set for each stage of the process and if for any reason it is not possible to meet the timescale, you will be informed of the reason for the delay;
  • natural justice – the Policy follows the principles of natural justice, in that no person who has any direct interest in a complaint will be involved in deciding the outcome, and you will be guaranteed a fair hearing;
  • confidentiality – your complaint will be dealt with confidentially, and only the person(s) responsible for dealing with the complaint, and those who are parties to it, will be informed;
  • non-detriment – you will not be disadvantaged if you make a complaint in good faith;
  • group action – if several of you have a problem, you can make a joint complaint;
  • a friend – you have the right to be accompanied by a friend when you make a complaint, or at any subsequent meeting to deal with the complaint.

If you feel that you have a legitimate complaint on an academic issue, there are a number of sources of help and advice available to you:

  • the School of Mathematical Sciences – your Advisor, Education Services Team, Director of Student Experience, Director of Education or the Student Support Officer;
  • the Students' Union, particularly the Vice-President (Education, Welfare & Representation);
  • the Advice and Counselling service;
  • your Student-Staff Liaison Committee, particularly if the problem affects a number of students.

Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)

If you are unhappy with the outcome of an appeal or complaint then you may submit a complaint to the OIA within 12 (twelve) months of receiving your Completion of Procedures letter. The OIA is the independent body set up to review student complaints and is free to students. For further information regarding the OIA please visit their website:

14. Module Selection and Registration

You can find the module options for your programme on the School of Mathematical Sciences web pages.

The MSc Mathematics module options are found here.

The MSc Data Analytics module options are found here.

The MSc Financial Computing module options are found here.

For MSc Financial Mathematics module options are found here.

To register for your modules you will log-in to MySIS (your personal area of SIS where you pre-enrol and the portal to your student record) with your Queen Mary IT log-in, and make preliminary choices from a list using the descriptions to tell you what the modules are about. Any core or compulsory modules will be pre-selected and you cannot change these.

Once you are happy with your choices, you will send them to the School for approval by your Advisor.

You can send comments to them with the selection if you wish. All of your selections must be confirmed and approved by the specified deadline. The final outcome of your choices will be confirmed to you by email. Module registration has to be completed by the specified deadline (normally mid-October / within the first two weeks of teaching). Please note, new students register for modules in September whereas continuing students will register for modules in May (before they return to university in the September).

Some modules have a limited number of places, and priority is given to students who are required to take them for their programmes. Therefore, it is important that you choose your electives and complete module registration as soon as possible.

During the first two weeks of each semester, students are able to modify their choice of modules by undoing their choices in MySIS. You can find out more about choosing your modules on the Student Enquiry Centre website.

What if I have Failed Modules?

You may attempt each examination at most twice but you cannot resit any examination you have already passed.

The following regulations normally apply to resit examinations:

  • You must resit each examination at the first opportunity.
  • We currently allow you two attempts at any one module, including one resit.
  • When there is a significant change in either style or content of the examination paper from one year to the next, resit candidates will be set a special resit paper that is comparable to the original one; they cannot take the current year's paper.
  • You must make any request to waive any of these regulations by writing to the examination board chair by
    • 19 February for examinations the following May, or
    • 12 July for examinations the following August, or
    • 22 October for examinations the following January. 

PGT SMS Chair of Examination Board

If you have examination or assessment queries you can contact Dr Rosemary Harris ( who is the PGT SMS Chair of the Examination Board.

15. Time Management and QMplus

Time Management

Ideally, you should make up your own study timetable, including lectures, and specify when you are going to read the lecture notes and do the exercises each week. Studying at university is a full-time job; the standard expectation of time spent by students studying for a taught degree is 1200 hours per year. That is equivalent to 150 hours for each 15-credit module. In addition, the MSc dissertation / project is worth 60 credits (the equivalent of 4 x 15 credit modules) and requires considerable investment of time, from semester 2, until submission at the start of September.


For some of your modules the lecturer may choose to give you information regarding teaching, assessment and learning materials via the Queen Mary virtual learning environment QMplus (sometimes referred to as 'QM+'). Please note that the log in details needed for your QMplus account are the same as for your MySIS account. For training in how to use QMplus, please see here.

16. Exercises, Assessments, Examinations, Results and Learning


Whilst this is less common at postgraduate level, your module organiser / teacher may set exercises for you during term-time. Should they do so, you must attempt these exercises in your own time, write out neat solutions and hand them in if required. (We sometimes refer to these exercises as "coursework".) Doing any such exercises is compulsory. Depending on the module, your module organiser / teacher may "correct" or write comments on some exercises to provide you with feedback to help you learn.
Lecturers will usually provide "model solutions" on QMplus, by email or in person, which you should use to learn how they would solve the problems. If your solution is different, it may still be correct, although the model solution may be better (e.g. more elegant, more succinct or more sophisticated). For further general information please contact the particular lecturer.


Your modules may be assessed in a variety of ways. The majority of the postgraduate taught modules have more than one element of assessment which will count towards your final module mark; you may be required to sit a mid-term test or submit one or more pieces of coursework during the semester in which the module is taught, as well as sitting a final examination.

The two main examination periods take place each year in early January and May. The lecturer will make the method/s, weighting/s and deadline/s of the module assessment/s for their module clear through the module page on QMplus.

Please note that late submissions for the MSc project will be penalised as follows as noted in the assessment handbook (Paragraph 5.51i): for each day that the submission is late, 5 marks will be taken off the 100 marks available for that work.  Any submissions made later than 168 hours after the deadline will be given an automatic 'zero' mark (0%).

If you do not achieve a passing mark for any of the taught modules, you are entitled, on one occasion, to resit the module.  This may involve a resit examination (during the late summer resit period, in August of the same calendar year) and/or the resubmission of coursework". You don't necessarily resit the precise elements you have failed.

For precise details about the nature of resit assessments, please contact the relevant lecturer. Students who have resits should note that their module marks are capped at 50%.

Examination Timetable

Your individual examination timetable will be available in MySIS in November and late March. Please check it and report any errors to Registry immediately. In particular, check your resit and first sit entries, if appropriate.


A Subject Examination Board (hereafter, "SEB") will meet in late June at which the appointed external examiners will be asked to confirm the provisional marks awarded for the taught component of the programme. Those provisional marks will then go to the faculty-wide Degree Examination Board (hereafter, "DEB") for approval, in mid/late July. Once these marks are approved, the confirmed marks for the taught modules will then be released to students in late July.

All postgraduate students will be required to submit their MSc projects in early September. The external examiners will confirm the provisional dissertation marks awarded at the SEB in early October, and then the provisional MSc project marks (and marks for any late summer resits of taught modules) will go to the faculty-wide DEB for approval, in mid/late October. Once these marks are approved, the confirmed marks for the MSc project (and marks for any late summer resits of taught modules) will then be released to students in late October / early November.

We do not give out results in response to phone or email enquiries. Once your results have been released by the School you can access these online via your MySIS profile. Guides on checking your results on MySIS are available here. Please note that results provided by any SEB are provisional (only), this is because they must be formally approved by the DEB in order to become official. MySIS will indicate whether the results are provisional or confirmed. Queen Mary will release your official results via MySIS following the DEB. If you wish to appeal a result you must follow the Queen Mary appeals process, information regarding this can be found here.

Late Summer Examinations

We will offer you late summer resits of any exams you fail and late summer first sits if there were extenuating circumstances justifying your absence from previous examinations. We will enter you automatically for late summer exams for which you are eligible. You can withdraw but if you are absent then it counts as a fail. Late summer examinations normally take place during the first two weeks of August. The timetable will be available in MySIS by around mid-July.

Your results will be made accessible via MySIS.

Please note that academic staff members are available to help you with your modules during term time, but not generally during vacation periods, and certainly not without you first making an appointment. There is no formal revision period for late summer exams.

Examination Offences

Queen Mary takes your assessment very seriously. This means that we must strictly obey the rules governing assessments and so must you. If calculators are allowed then the examination rubric will state this clearly, so be sure to read the rubric. It is an examination offence to use a calculator in an examination in which calculators are not allowed. It is also an examination offence to take any notes into the examination room even if you do not look at them (unless the exam is open-book), to look at another student's work, to disrupt the examination in any way or to fail to do what an invigilator asks you to do. These rules apply also to class tests.

Academic Misconduct Policy

17. What is Learner Engagement Analytics and what does it have to do with me?

Let’s begin with the basics! Learner Engagement Analytics is a term that is used to describe the data the University holds about your engagement with various services, as well as your demographic data. Learner Engagement Analytics is often referred to as LEA, so you may also have heard about it under that name. Currently, your engagement data comes from your digital footprints that you leave when you use QMPlus and other University systems and data about your grades and academic history. When all this data about you is brought together in one system, it’s called Learner Engagement Analytics.

The following types of data may be used for the LEA system at Queen Mary:

·         Background information: your name, identifiers used by the University/College, contact details, and a link to the photo we hold of you.

·         Details about your course, the modules you are taking, the credits you have achieved and your advisors.

·         Details of your assessments, marks and grades obtained.

·         Details of your activity in QMPlus and other digital systems: logins, resources viewed, assessments submitted and graded, and session timeouts.

·         Details about your engagement with teaching activities.

·         Any extenuating circumstances that have been approved.

·         As part of the ongoing development of the LEA platform we will be including some data about your use of reading lists and may pilot the inclusion of some other data about your library usage.

·         We may link data for Statistical Purposes only to your date of birth, ethnicity, gender, declared disabilities, entry qualifications, whether your parents were in higher education, your socio-economic background, whether you are an overseas student. Two of these data types are what is known as special category personal data: Ethnicity and Disability. They are being included within our models with the aim of improving our monitoring of equality of opportunity and to improve the accuracy of the models. These statistical analyses will allow us to identify different patterns of engagement between different groups. They will not be used to identify individuals.


As you can see, LEA has a lot to do with you – its data about you! The University has collected this data about you for a long time, but the University has decided to create a system that brings your data from different sources together, and this new system is going to be used to analyse your data to better understand and support your journey through the University.


What will my data be used for?

It’s good to be careful with your personal data, and we can assure you that your data will only be used to improve the student experience and provide tailored support when you need it. For example, in schools where LEA has been implemented in 2021-22, if we can see that your engagement has decreased, your Advisor and the student support staff in your school might reach out to you to see if you need a bit of extra support to get back on track. Another benefit is that the engagement data from all the students in your cohort can help academic staff to improve their learning materials. If a lecturer can see that most students in your class aren’t opening the resources on QMPlus, it might be sign that they need to redesign the QMPlus page, so it is easier for you to access the right resources at the right time.

Now that you know what we do with your data, we also want to make it clear that your data will never be used for assessment unless you have explicitly been told that this is the case (this is only the case for a small minority of courses that have relied on engagement data for assessment for a long time, so this isn’t a new feature of the LEA system). Similarly, if we can see that you have disengaged, the LEA system will never be used to make any automatic decisions about your progression. Finally, your data will never (not now, not in the future) be used for the purpose of the Prevent scheme.

Your data – like all other kinds of data the University collects about you – will be processed in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy and Student Privacy Notice.


Who will have access to my data?

We know that you probably don’t want lots of people to see your data, and only a small group of people will have access to your data. Only two groups of people will have access to your data. The first group is staff whose job it is to support you and your learning. This includes your Advisors, academic staff and student support staff. Only staff that work directly with you (so not all staff across all parts of the university) have access to see your data. The second group is staff whose job it is to develop and maintain the LEA software. This may include IT staff and staff from external software suppliers. When staff from both of these groups access your data, they must adhere to strict data protection rules. Your data will also be combined with other students’ data to find trends and enable comparison. When your data is used this way, it will not be possible to identify you.

What will happen if my LEA data shows a lack of engagement?

Our first step will always be to try to get in contact with you to find out what is going on. Usually, your Advisor or someone from your Schools’ student support team will contact you. If you’re going through a difficult period or you are struggling to keep up with your academic work, the staff member will signpost you to relevant support services and see if any additional support needs to be put in place.

We know that all students have different study habits, so if you feel the LEA data doesn’t accurately reflect your engagement, you can discuss this with the staff member that contacts you.

Your LEA data will never be used to make automatic decisions about your progression – a staff member will always reach out to you before any decisions are made!

What’s the future of LEA?

First of all, we’re working on a dashboard that will give students a simple way to see their own Learner and Engagement Analytics. The intention is that students can choose to use this data to monitor their progress and get an accurate idea of their progress compared to the rest of their cohort. It will of course not be compulsory to check your LEA Analytics data – it’s a tool you can choose to use if you find it helpful.

As the LEA system develops, the system will also be able to make predictions based on the data that comes into the system. This feature is not available yet, but when it becomes available, it will allow staff to identify if you might need a bit more support. It will also be a way for you and your Advisor to discuss your expectations for your academic results and see if you need to adjust your engagement to make it more likely that you can achieve the results you want.

I have a concern or a question. Who can I contact?

We want to be completely transparent about the way LEA works at Queen Mary, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a concern or a question. In the first instance, please contact your Advisor.

18. Student Engagement Policy

Markers of student engagement

The School of Mathematical Sciences uses the following markers of student engagement to ensure that you are well supported and given every opportunity to progress with your studies and to achieve to your full potential whilst here.


You are expected to attend all scheduled taught sessions including lectures, practical classes, group work, workshops, tutorials, computer lab sessions, problem-solving classes, exercise classes, project meetings, and other events associated with the modules for which you are registered as part of your programme of study. If you are absent from Queen Mary for more than a day then please always let your academic adviser know (preferably by email) at the earliest opportunity. Attendance is important; failing to attend usually leads to failure in assessment, and persistent absence may result in deregistration (see the section entitled, "Deregistration" below). Reading lecture notes is not a satisfactory substitute for attending lectures.

Online Attendance:

If you attend an online scheduled taught session then your attendance will be automatically recorded and you will not need so anything else to record your attendance. Please make sure you attend the scheduled taught session on your timetable. If you attend a session not on your timetable your attendance will not be recorded.

Face to Face Attendance:

 We may collect evidence of attendance using card scanners (in lecture rooms), hand-held barcode scanners or registers. It is your responsibility to scan your Queen Mary student identification card with the card scanners in lecture rooms, hand-held barcode scanner supplied or sign the register.

2. Coursework submission
You are expected to submit any reports, exercises, essays, and other pieces of coursework associated with each module for which you are registered as part of your programme of study, by the individually advertised deadlines and methods of submission.

3. Participation in formative assessments
You may be expected to participate in a range of activities (with or without the allocation of marks) that help to inform teaching and learning during the learning process. Examples of such activities are any subject-related quizzes and exercises linked to module materials on QMplus.

4. Marks from summative assessments
You are expected to participate in a range of activities assessing the outcomes of a learning process. Marks allocated from such summative assessments, e.g. coursework, and examinations, contribute to your overall module grade and degree classification.

5. Other student engagement activities
You may be expected to participate in a range of formal or informal activities that signify continued engagement with your programme of study. Examples of such activities are scheduled meetings with your academic adviser and group work

Action following identification of students who may require support

  1. Actions taken by the School of Mathematical Sciences are designed to support students to engage or re-engage with their study programme. The underpinning principles are that the School, once it has admitted a student to a programme of study, has a duty of care to that student, whilst in turn the student has a responsibility to engage with the available support. In such cases, support will be designed by the School around the needs of the individual student.
  2. If you are identified as approaching or falling below the requirements of engagement set by the School an email will be sent to your Queen Mary email account alerting you to this and outlining the support mechanisms available to you to deal with the issues that may be contributing to this. Please be aware that if you do not reply to our email within seven days, we will put a record of your poor engagement in your file. This information may be passed on to your funding body or used in any references from the School.
  3. Once you are identified as in need of support in order to re-engage with your studies, you will be invited to a meeting with the Student Support Officer to discuss any issues that might be affecting your studies, and for the provision of encouragement and advice (with possible referral to Queen Mary support services if necessary). The Student Support Officer may liaise with your advisor or Programme Director. In exceptional circumstances, a senior member of the School team, such as the Head of School, may be involved in this process.
  4. The School of Mathematical Sciences will always try to help you if you are experiencing problems, but we cannot do so if we are not kept informed of them. If there are factors making engagement with your study programme difficult, it is essential that you discuss these with your Advisor, your Programme Director or other appropriate person in the school at an early stage. This will give us the opportunity to intervene and provide the necessary support.

Reporting Absence

Students cannot be absent from Queen Mary University of London during term-time without obtaining written agreement in advance from the School of Mathematical Sciences.

If you are unable to attend any scheduled teaching or Advisor meetings then please notify the School of Mathematical Sciences of your absence via email prior to the scheduled activity -

You need to include the scheduled teaching activity/s and/or meeting/s you are missing including the reason for your absence. A member of the Education Services Team will notify you if your absence has been approved.

This is underpinned by the School of Mathematical Sciences Student Engagement Framework and you may be de-registered for poor or non-engagement.

In advance of deregistration you will be sent a formal, written warning and a specified period in which you must improve your attendance, participation, or submission of assessment before deregistration from your programme of study occurs.

Further information can be found in the Academic Regulations (point 2.55 onward).

If you are absent for more than 5 weekdays you may be asked to provide supporting documentary evidence such as a letter from your GP.

Should you not meet programme requirements for attendance or for submission of coursework, you may be deregistered from your programme of study. You will be given warnings before deregistration occurs, and you will have the right to represent your case to the School of Mathematical Sciences.

19. Absences and Extenuating Circumstances

Extenuating Circumstances

All extenuating circumstance claims or queries should be directed to the Education Services Team.

Extenuating circumstances are defined by Queen Mary as:

Circumstances that are outside a student’s control which may have a negative impact on a student’s ability to undertake or complete any assessment so as to cast doubt on the likely validity of the assessment as a measure of the student’s achievement.

Extenuating circumstances are usually personal or health problems. Health problems include your emotional wellbeing and mental health, as well as your physical health. Extenuating circumstances do not include computer problems, misreading your exam timetable, planned holidays or events, or local transport delays.

In order to be valid, the extenuating circumstances must be:

•     unplanned;

•     outside of the student’s control;

•     such that there has been a negative impact on the ability to undertake or complete any assessment;

•     cast doubt on the likely validity of the assessment as a measure of the student’s achievement.

Queen Mary operates a fit to sit policy, which covers all assessments including coursework and exams. If you sit an exam or submit a piece of coursework you are deemed to be fit to do so. In such instances a request for extenuating circumstances will not normally be considered. If you do not feel you are well enough to attend an invigilated exam then you should not attend and should submit a claim for extenuating circumstances instead. You will need to attend a medical consultation within three days of the date of your exam that you missed. Similarly if you get sick during an exam and have to leave you will need to attend a medical consultation within three days.

To submit an extenuating circumstance request you must log a claim through the online extenuating circumstances task on MySIS ( and following the instructions there. Claims must be submitted by the relevant deadlines which are noted below or on the Key Date’s chapter of this handbookIf you have any queries please email

Your claim must be accompanied by relevant supporting evidence (for example medical certification, death certificate, police report and crime number, or other written evidence from a person in authority). Please note that although accompanying documentation can be submitted after the claim, claims without any evidence cannot be considered except in the limited cases permitted for self-certification, below. It is in your best interest to provide evidence and supporting documentation that is as comprehensive as possible.

 You are entitled to self-certify on up to three occasions each academic year; each self-certification can cover a period of up to seven calendar days. This means completing and submitting the Queen Mary self-certification form in place of independent evidence. Please note that self-certification does not mean automatic approval of a claim – The School of Mathematical Sciences will consider it in the normal way and will need to be satisfied of the validity of the claim, and satisfied that it justifies the outcome. Any claims beyond those three must be accompanied by evidence, as described above.

When you submit an extenuating circumstance claim you will receive a formal acknowledgement, you must keep this safe for the duration of your studies. All claims must be received by the relevant deadlines which are noted below or on the Key Date’s chapter of this handbook.

All extenuating circumstances claims are kept confidential until they are considered by the School of Mathematical Sciences Subject Examination Board. All proceedings of the subcommittee are strictly confidential, and will not normally be discussed at the full examination board meeting.

It is your own responsibility to submit any claims for extenuating circumstances, not that of your not that of your advisor or any other staff member.

Please ensure that if you have what you believe is a valid case, you complete the submission process in accordance with the set guidelines and deadlines.

It is not possible to make a retrospective claim for extenuating circumstances, specifically once you know your results. Therefore claims submitted after the deadline will not be considered by the examination board.

  • Please refer to the full guidance notes on Extenuating Circumstances from the Advice and Counselling service here.


Students cannot be absent from Queen Mary University of London during term-time without obtaining written agreement in advance from the School of Mathematical Sciences.

If you are unable to attend any scheduled teaching or Advisor meetings then please notify the School of Mathematical Sciences of your absence via email prior to the scheduled activity -

You need to include the scheduled teaching activity/s and/or meeting/s you are missing including the reason for your absence. A member of the Education Services Team will notify you if your absence has been approved.

This is underpinned by the School of Mathematical Sciences Student Engagement Framework and you may be de-registered for poor or non-engagement.

In advance of deregistration you will be sent a formal, written warning and a specified period in which you must improve your attendance, participation, or submission of assessment before deregistration from your programme of study occurs.

Further information can be found in the Academic Regulations (point 2.55 onward).

If you are absent for more than 5 weekdays you may be asked to provide supporting documentary evidence such as a letter from your GP.

Missed In-term Assessments

If you report that an extenuating circumstance prevented you from submitting exercises and/or attending a test (you must provide evidence) and we accept your reason for the absence, then we may be able to excuse you.  We show an excused mark as "0NA".  We normally ignore any excused marks when computing your overall average mark.  Please note that this puts more weight on your other assessed work.

A module leader may instead wish to organise a replacement assessment exercise, which you would be expected to attend, and the result of which would form part of your overall mark.

If you miss exercises and/or tests for modules taught by other Schools then you should speak to the module organiser directly and, if you are studying on a joint programme, follow the rules of the School concerned.

Missed Examinations

Do not delay! If you report that an extenuating circumstance prevented you from attending an examination and we accept your reason then we will allow you to sit the examination later without any penalty. We normally require documentary evidence such as a medical certificate or letter (a prescription is not acceptable) from the Student Health Centre, a GP, a hospital or the police. Please note that a medical certificate or letter from the Health Centre or your GP must clearly state that you were unfit to sit examinations during a specified period.

An examination sat later than normal because of extenuating circumstances is called a "first sit". You normally take such (EC-claim-related) first sits in August or at the earliest opportunity. 

Please note that if you attend an examination but later tell us that you were ill during the examination we cannot normally grant you a first sit. If you feel ill before an examination then it may be best not to attend the examination but instead to seek medical advice and submit a medical certificate.

General Disruption of Studies

If extenuating circumstances either disrupt your studies for a substantial period or have a substantial direct effect on your examination performance (but do not necessarily cause you to miss any assessments) then you should discuss your case with the Student Support Officer before completing a form. If you wish the department to take account of your extenuating circumstances when determining your degree classification then you should support your form with documentary evidence such as a letter from the Queen Mary Medical Centre, a GP, a hospital or the police. The Examination Board will not consider extenuating circumstances without supporting documentary evidence unless you have submitted a self-certification EC claim.

Retaking the Year

If you have significant extenuating circumstances, you may be able to request a retake of the year. In order to be considered for a retake, you must request this before the end of the examination period, i.e. before you know any of your examination results. You must demonstrate that significant extenuating circumstances have been present for much of the academic year, which, for example, have led to your missing large parts of Semester A or B. Normally, extenuating circumstances covering only parts of the revision period or the examination period are insufficient.

You should provide the Student Support Officer with a one-page summary detailing your case. Summarise briefly any extenuating circumstances affecting the current year and, where appropriate, refer to extenuating circumstances forms you submitted earlier. For recent occurrences that have not been covered by previously submitted extenuating circumstances forms, you should also submit a new extenuating circumstances form. The Student Support Officer will be able to advise you on whether a request to retake the year might be successful. If you want to go ahead with a retake request, you need to complete a Queen Mary Retake of Academic Year form, which is available from either the Maths Office or the Student Enquiry Centre. Please hand in all completed forms to the Maths Office.

Interruption of Studies or Withdrawal

If you decide to withdraw from Queen Mary, either temporarily or permanently, you should discuss the matter with your advisor and read the Your study web site. If you decide to proceed, you must complete an "Interruption of study" or "Withdrawal from Queen Mary" form, which is available from the Maths School Office or the Student Enquiry Centre, room CB01 in the Queens' Building or the Your study web site. Then take the form to the Education Services Team, who will want to discuss it with you before agreeing to sign it. Further information can be found here -

If you wish to interrupt, i.e. withdraw temporarily, then you must do so by the set deadline stated on the interruption form. Interruption of studies is normally for one complete year but, in exceptional circumstances, the period may be up to two years. Please contact the Education Services Team to discuss this further, If you interrupt your studies then you lose the automatic right to enter examinations for modules that you took before you interrupted, and we may not allow you to enter for any examination in which you would be the only candidate.

Further information can be found here -

If you are looking to interrupt your studies or withdrawing from your studies you need to contact the Education Services Team to discuss both procedures. Interruption of Studies or Withdrawal forms can only be authorised by the Education Services Team.

Please note that the Registry deadlines for both forms to be  signed off by students registered on the majority of programmes are 5th January 2022 and 4th May 2022 (students who sign forms after these dates will remain registered for examinations in either the January or May examination periods and failure to attend may result in marks of 0 being entered and being used towards award outcomes). 

Religious observance and study

QMUL is a diverse community of over 25,000 students and staff. With a variety of faiths and beliefs represented on campus, we are committed to tolerance, understanding and co-operation, as well as to ensuring as far as possible that our policies are consistent across all needs. Many religions and beliefs require their members to pray at specific times during the day, or have special festivals or spiritual observance days. We recognise therefore that students at QMUL often strike a balance between their educational and religious commitments.

One of QMUL’s fundamental aims is to provide an education that is judged internationally to be of the highest quality. It would be both impractical and inconsistent with our aims as a university to suspend teaching for reasons of religious observance, but we will accommodate students’ religious commitments where we reasonably can do so. This may include providing learning materials (potentially including QReview recordings) online and permitting students to attend classes at different times where there is availability.

Students are expected to stay engaged and up-to-date with their studies throughout their time at QMUL. We will take religious commitments into reasonable account when reviewing students’ attendance, but we expect students to plan their studies so that they can submit coursework on time.

The following procedures apply in the event that a special festival or spiritual observance day would result in absence from a scheduled assessment: 

  • In the case of an in-class test, students may request permission in advance from their Education Services Team ( to be absent on that occasion. The Education Services Team ( will consider whether reasonable adjustments can be made, for example by permitting late submission or rearranging the test. It is important to submit requests well in advance, in case reasonable adjustments cannot be made.
  • Students may notify QMUL of any special festivals or spiritual observance days that fall during formal examination periods by submitting the relevant form by the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar. We will accommodate such requests where we reasonably can do so. We are not able to make allowances for routine religious observance during formal examination periods.

20. Degree Classification and Borderline Policy

degree classification

The College Mark is the weighted average of the marks you receive in your modules and in the dissertation.  The classification of your MSc degree depends on your College Mark as detailed below, per the Academic Regulations 2021-22.

College Mark


70.0 - 100.0


60.0 - 69.9


50.0 - 59.9


For more information on eligibility for awards, academic requirements for awards, and classification of awards, please see the Academic Regulations for the year you started your programme of study.  In particular, paragraphs 5.20 to 5.22 of the 2021-22 Academic Regulations cover the general regulations for an MSc while some special regulations which apply only to the MSc Mathematics (not other SMS programmes) can be found in 6.60 to 6.62."

Please read the QMUL Assessment Handbook:

Borderline Policy

Examination boards may use a borderline policy when making recommendations for final degree classifications. Please refer to the relevant edition of the Academic Regulations which outlines the policy for the year you started your programme of study.

    Award and progression information for Queen Mary degrees at

     Information on graduation can be found at:

    21. Change of Study Programme

    Your degree programme is initially the same as the course for which Queen Mary accepted you. Some details of your current study programme are encoded in MySIS and limit the options available to you. Provided you meet all the programme requirements, including those not encoded in MySIS, you can choose your elective modules freely, subject to the approval of your advisor. We may allow you to change your degree programme, but all such changes require careful consideration and formal approval. You must follow the procedures below and complete a Queen Mary Change of Programme of Study form, which is available from the Student Enquiry Centre, room CB02 in the Queens' Building, and on the web. If this form is not completed and returned to the Maths Office then you will not have formally requested to change your degree programme.

    Students may be permitted to change programmes in the first two weeks of the academic year.  There may be restrictions as to whether this is permissible if students fail to meet the entry criteria or have failed to undertake core and compulsory modules.  Some changes will continue to be permitted at later points in the academic year, for example where students wish to transfer onto or off of a programme that includes a period in industry.

    How do I change to a different Mathematical Sciences degree programme?

    1. Discuss the proposed change with your advisor/Programme Director, then complete a Change of Programme of Study form and obtain your advisor's/Programme Direcotor's signature (at the bottom of the front of the form; there is no designated area for this signature).
    2. Take the completed form to the Education Services Team in the Maths School Office, or direct to Registry to complete the processing.

    How do I change to a degree programme run by another School?

    1. Visit the School that runs the degree programme you want to transfer to and discuss it with them. If they agree to the change then complete a Change of Programme of Study form.
    2. Take the completed form to your Programme Director for approval of your release from the School of Mathematical Sciences and inform your advisor.
    3. Take the completed form to the other School and follow their procedure for approving a change of study programme. They may require you to return the form to Registry yourself.

    22. Computing and Library Facilities

    School of Mathematical Sciences facilities

    SMS provides a shared PGT PC Lab (room MB-302 Third Floor Mathematical Sciences Building) for MSc and MSci students, with computer facilities for project work, writing dissertations, online research and online access to the library catalogue, e-journals and e-books. There is also a laser printer. Please note that this is a "quiet" room for individual study and for taught PC Lab sessions, and is not a social space, and students are asked to respect this at all times.

    There are also four Bloomberg terminals available for use by students, which are identifiable by the coloured keyboard which accompanies each terminal.  Bloomberg is the standard software used in the finance industry for the provision and analysis of financial market data and news, and competence in the use of such terminals may be of considerable benefit to your professional profile / CV.

    Fair Usage of the Maths PGT PC Lab (MB-302)

    Use of MB-302 is limited only to MSc and MSci students in the School of Mathematical Sciences.  No other students or guests are permitted into this room.  No food, drink, alcohol or prohibited items may be taken into this room and no disturbance may be caused to other students.  Any student found in breach of this fair use policy will be subject to a disciplinary procedure which may lead to withdrawal of rights and even expulsion from the course / Queen Mary.

    Facilities available to students on the MSc in Financial Mathematics programme

    Students studying on the Financial Mathematics programme are encouraged to make use of the facilities provided by the School of Economics and Finance (SEF). SEF have specialist software available to aid your studies, such as Datastream, which provides financial data (current and historical) and time series data, as well as standard econometrics software including Eviews, PCGive, Microfit and Matlab. SEF also provide full subscription access to a wide variety of financial databases such as CRSP and Bankscope and have access to 12 dedicated Bloomberg terminals. If you wish to use the software or terminals you can do so in the SEF offices in the Graduate Centre. Members of the SEF IT Team are available to help you if you encounter any problems whilst accessing the software or terminals.

    Facilities available to students on the Financial Computing MSc programmes

    Students studying on the Financial Computing programmes are encouraged to make use of the facilities provided by the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). EECS have three main areas for student computing:

    • The Informatics Teaching Laboratory (ITL);
    • EECS MSc Lab (on the ground floor of the Engineering building, room G52);
    • Computers in the Electronics Laboratory (second floor Engineering building) that are mainly for hardware-associated laboratory work.

    You can access information on status of labs in the ITL here.

    an introduction from Library Services

    The Library Services department at Queen Mary provides staff, study environments and resources to support your learning during your time at university, both online and on campus.

    • Getting help - we answer questions over webchat, email and at service points. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
    • Developing your skills - we have a team dedicated to helping you with the transition to university level study. We offer individual appointments and workshops throughout the year.
    • Study environments - we have three libraries, across our London campuses, at Mile End, Whitechapel and West Smithfield, each with a character and ambience of their own. These are supplemented by additional study spaces across the campuses.
    • Information resources - we provide a rich, multi-disciplinary collection of books, articles and other resources in electronic and physical formats.

    You will find up to date details of all library services on the website

    Archives & Special Collections


    Archives & Special Collections manages institutional and personal archives dating from the 18th Century to the present day, as well as collections of rare or special materials.

    Visits to the Archives Reading Room in the Mile End Library, are by appointment in advance. The Archives Reading Room provides silent individual study space in which to access and research using these collections.  For more information, see


    Senate House Library

    As a student at Queen Mary, you also have full access to the study space and collections at Senate House Library in Bloomsbury. For more information see


    Contacts for Library Services




    Telephone: 020 7882 8800

    Academic Skills and Subject Support:



    23. Submission of MSc Project Dissertations

    The project module organiser will tell you how to submit your MSc dissertation, but you should submit an electronic copy to QMplus, together with further files containing copies of any source code (e.g. C++ files, Maple worksheets, Mathematica notebooks, etc.) that you have written. This will be used for plagiarism detection, for which we currently use Turnitin; see the next chapter.

    Project reports must have a title page showing clearly the module code and title, the title of your report, and your and your student number.

    A project report should look like any well produced document. Content is more important than presentation, but presentation is also important. In particular, you may lose marks for poor spelling and grammar; most modern word processing or text editing applications provide a spelling checker, which you would be well advised to use.

    For more specific guidance on organisation of and style in your written work, please consult the individual QMplus pages of the project modules.

    Correct referencing of other people's work that you have used in your report is essential and will help avoid accusations of plagiarism. Please see the chapter entitled, "Referencing, Plagiarism and Turnitin", in this handbook.

    24. Referencing, Plagiarism and Turnitin


    Different publications use different referencing styles; you should choose one and use it consistently. What is most important is to provide enough information that the reader can find the document you are referencing. You must always include the author and document title, and you must include the publication date of a printed document and the date when you last accessed an online document. See the next chapter for details of recommended referencing styles.


    "Queen Mary defines plagiarism as presenting someone else’s work as your own, whether you meant to or not. Close paraphrasing, copying from the work of another person, including another student, using the ideas of another person, without proper acknowledgement or repeating work you have previously submitted without properly referencing yourself (known as ‘self plagiarism’) also constitute plagiarism." –
    Regulations on Assessment Offences, 

    Plagiarism is a serious offence and all students suspected of plagiarism will be subject to an investigation. If found guilty, penalties can range from failure of the module to suspension or permanent withdrawal from Queen Mary.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it by appropriate referencing of sources. The recommendations below can help you avoid plagiarism.

    • Be sure to record your sources when taking notes and cite these if you use ideas or, especially, quotations from the original source. Be particularly careful if you are cutting and pasting information between two documents and ensure that references are not lost in the process.
    • Be sensible in referencing ideas – commonly held views that are generally accepted do not always require acknowledgement to particular sources. However, it is best to err on the side of caution to avoid plagiarism.
    • Be particularly careful with quotations and paraphrasing.
    • Be aware that technology is now available at Queen Mary and elsewhere that can automatically detect plagiarism.
    • Ensure that all works used are cited appropriately in the text of your work and fully credited in your reference list or bibliography.
    • See the next chapter for guidance on referencing.
    • If in doubt, ask for further guidance from your project supervisor, module organiser or advisor.

    It should be noted that failure to properly credit other students’ work on group assessments or group presentations can also be classed as plagiarism. 

    Also the use of ghost writing (e.g. essay mills, code writers, Chegg etc.) and generally using someone external to the institution to produce assessment is an assessment offence.

    If in doubt, ask for further guidance from your advisor or module tutor.

    Any assessment offence investigations will follow the QMUL Academic Misconduct Policy.


    Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection system used by most universities in the UK. This section describes how Turnitin is used within the School of Mathematical Sciences and the data it creates about your work.

    How Turnitin works
    1. A Turnitin assignment is set up by a member of staff on QMplus. You then access this assignment online and upload your work before the due date. Turnitin will analyse the submitted work to identify text matches with other sources and will compare the work against:
      • the current and archived versions of QMplus;
      • previously submitted work;
      • books and journals.
    2. For each piece of submitted work Turnitin provides two things:
      • a similarity index, which indicates the percentage of the submitted paper that Turnitin has identified as matching other sources;
      • an originality report, which shows each of these matches in more detail, including the source(s) that Turnitin has found.
    How we use the information provided by Turnitin
    1. Turnitin is used on all project modules and various assignments that contribute towards your final grade. Turnitin will not normally be used on the following:
      • short assignments (under 500 words);
      • contributions to online discussions;
      • exercises submitted on paper;
      • exams.
    2. For those assignments where Turnitin is used, all submissions to that assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.
    3. How we use the information provided by Turnitin:
      • Only academic staff will make a judgement on whether plagiarism has occurred in a piece of work. An academic may be guided by the originality report but Turnitin itself does not make the judgement;
      • We do not rely solely on a threshold percentage to identify whether plagiarism has occurred and may review any originality report in detail;

      • Turnitin will highlight matching text such as references, quotations, common phrases and data tables within work that has no plagiarism issues at all. Those interpreting Turnitin reports will discount such matches and so initial percentages are often irrelevant;
      • Where it is suspected that plagiarism has occurred in a piece of work, the originality report may be submitted to the

        to the Head of School (or delegated authority) and possibly to an Assessment Offences Panel for further investigation.

    You may have a chance to view your Turnitin report before you submit the final version of your assignment; for guidance please see here.

    25. Recommended Referencing Style

    Staff and student perceptions of plagiarism

    This guidance is about how to reference published work such as books and research articles in documents such as project reports. You should follow the recommendation below unless you have a good reason not to (such as being given different instructions by your module organiser). There is no single referencing style used preferentially within the mathematical sciences literature.

    Queen Mary Library will only offer support for the two referencing styles recommended below, so if you wish to seek advice from the library then you must conform to one of these styles. Both styles are used below as illustrations, although you must use only one referencing style consistently throughout any one document.


    It is recommended that the version of either the Harvard (author, date) or Vancouver (numerical citation) referencing style as applied by the guide to referencing, Cite Them Right (Pears and Shields, 10th edition, 2016), is adopted throughout the Faculty of Science and Engineering at QMUL.

    Harvard referencing style

    Originating at Harvard University within the discipline of biology during the late 19th Century, Harvard referencing is widely accepted in a broad range of scientific publications. The Harvard system’s author, date method helps to ensure a reader familiar with a particular field is likely to recognize a citation without having to check in the references section. This characteristic is particularly helpful within scientific disciplines whose works are commonly known by their date of publication.

    Vancouver referencing style

    The Vancouver referencing system is a numeric citation system used in biomedical, health and science publications. It was first defined in 1978 at the conference of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in Vancouver, Canada, hence its name. It is also known as the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. It is used extensively in the physical sciences.


    Cite Them Right (Pears and Shields, 10th edition, 2016) is currently available from QMUL Library in print format. It offers a standard and up-to-date source for constructing citations and references in the Harvard and Vancouver referencing styles. It also provides guidance on referencing and citation more generally, including how to avoid plagiarism. The library currently highlights and recommends the guidance provided by Cite Them Right in their Find it! Use it! Reference it! introductory information literacy skills module on QMplus.

    We advise you to use Cite Them Right Online, which contains clear guidance on the Harvard and Vancouver referencing styles.

    • You can choose a source to reference from a drop-down menu or by using the search facility.
    • Cite Them Right Online shows you how to create the reference in the style you need.
    • There are examples to copy, and a "You try" box so you can build your reference on screen.
    • You can check your references against a correct example.
    • You can then export the prepared reference straight into your coursework.

    You can find more information about Cite Them Right, on QMplus.


    This chapter is based closely on one written by Martin Beeson, Library Teaching and Learning Support Manager in Student Services, and Sally Mitchell, Head of Learning Development in Student Services.


    Harvard-style reference

    Pears, R. and Shields, G. J. (2016) Cite them right: The essential referencing guide. 10th ed.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Vancouver-style reference
    1. Pears R, Shields GJ. Cite them right: The essential referencing guide. 10th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2016.

    26. Careers and Personal Development

    an introduction from Careers and Enterprise

    Looking for part-time work or an internship? Need help with your CV or a job interview? Want to find out about your options when you graduate? Thinking about starting a business?

    The QM Careers and Enterprise Team provides a range of services that enable you to develop your employability skills, access work experience and graduate job opportunities, network with employers and decide on your next steps after graduation.

    Students in every School are able to participate in a diverse careers programme. This might include in-curriculum lectures, lunchtime workshops, professional career options panels, 1-to-1 careers guidance, application feedback appointments and mock interviews. This is supported by a wealth of careers information online. 

    There are over 100 employer-led events on campus a year, from fairs to skills workshops. These offer you the chance to network with recruiters and get training on self-presentation skills for the recruitment process. We also provide a range of paid work experience opportunities, from real life consulting projects via QConsult to part-time or full-time internships via QInterns, as well as taster programmes that give you understanding about different sectors and employers.  

    For those who are aspiring entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs, our enterprise programme supports students in setting up their own businesses via seed funding, 12 week Incubator programme, events, bootcamps and 1-to-1 careers guidance.

    Get the latest news on social media, search jobs on our online jobs board, read our jobs blog or website for advice and insights and use our practice interviews and psychometric test software.

    You can:

    ·         Book an appointment for one-to-one careers guidance. Book by phone (020 7 882 8533) or in person up to a week in advance, or drop by on the day – we may have appointments free. We are also able to offer all our appointments to run remotely.

    ·         Find out more about the world of work from employers and former students at our careers events

    ·         Attend workshops on job applications, interviews, assessment centre techniques and a range of graduate skills – from leadership to commercial awareness 

    Find a range of part-time, and full time job vacancies on our website    

    Use our work experience hub to find out about internships, temporary work or local work experience placements

    Keys tips from our Careers Consultants:

    • Engage fully in your degree programme
    • Make sure that you identify where in your degree programme the opportunities for developing graduate attributes occur and engage fully in these learning activities.
    • Engage in work experience and other forms of extra-curricular activity
    • Make sure you take up some of the wide range of opportunities open to you, such as work experience, volunteering, and enterprise education and entrepreneurship opportunities.
    • Enhance your ability to reflect on your learning and monitor your progress for employability
    • Sign up for an award or certificate designed to ensure you gain the most from your student experience.
    • Be active in your career decision making and preparation for employment from your arrival at Queen Mary
    • Make sure you attend the Mathematical Sciences careers programme and other Queen Mary careers activities.
    • Make employability information work for you!

    Look at these resources early on and plan ahead:


    There are various professional examinations in accounting and actuarial science for which some of our programmes or modules may provide exemptions. Details can be found under the title "Professional exemptions and accreditation" here.

    We also have close relationships with the two major UK professional societies for mathematics, The London Mathematical Society and The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. Many of our staff are members of one or both societies.

    The London Mathematical Society was founded in 1865 and has a national and international membership of around 2,300 professional mathematicians. For further information please visit: The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications was founded in 1964 and awards the Chartered Mathematician, Chartered Scientist and Chartered Mathematics Teacher designations, visit their website to find out more:

    Both of the above societies support mathematics in many ways, such as producing journals, organising conferences, engaging with government and promoting public engagement.


    Queen Mary wants you to make the most of your student experience. For that reason, we want to help you identify the opportunities that exist to develop your graduate attributes. These attributes reflect the location and profile of the student body and the research-intensive nature of the institution. They are detailed in the Queen Mary Statement of Graduate Attributes, which consists of 32 attributes grouped into 7 themes that will help you prepare yourself for your future employment.

    27. Safety and Emergency Procedures

    You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas in which you work, noting the location of emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. On hearing a fire alarm in a QM building, you should immediately leave through the nearest emergency exit, unless redirected by a Fire Marshall. Do not go to any other part of the building for any reason. Proceed to the designated emergency assembly area and report to the Fire Marshal. Do not leave the assembly area or re-enter the building until instructed to do so. Failure to follow these procedures may lead to disciplinary action.

    You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas in which you work, noting the location of emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. In case of a fire, immediately leave the building by the nearest exit point. Do not use the lifts. Fire action notices are displayed in corridors and by fire escapes.

    Tampering with fire alarms or fire-fighting equipment is a serious offence, and disciplinary action may be taken against any student/s responsible for breaking this role.

    First aid assistance for minor accidents can be obtained by dialling 3333 from an internal phone, or 020 7882 3333 from any other telephone.

    In an emergency, dial 3333 from any internal phone and clearly state the nature and location of the problem, your name, and the number you are calling from (if known). If no internal phone is available, call 999 and follow the normal procedure. We all have a duty of care towards fellow students and staff. You should ensure that corridors and doorways are not obstructed and that fire fighting equipment is not removed from its station.

    • For minor accidents, you can obtain first aid assistance by dialling 3333 from an internal phone or 020 7882 3333 from any other phone.
    • For general enquiries, you can contact Queen Mary Security by dialling 5000 from an internal phone or 020 7882 5000 from any other phone.

    Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

    For the latest Covid-19 pandemic updates, information and guidance for Queen Mary University of London students and staff please see This webpage is updated regularly. 

    Lock on canal by student village

    28. Queen Mary ID Card

    You will receive a QMUL photo-identity (ID) card upon enrolment. This card is very important, and must be carried at all times on campus. If you do not produce this card upon request and satisfy staff that it is your card through comparison of your face and the photograph, you may be removed from the building, or from campus. Misuse of your card will normally lead to an investigation under the Code of Student Discipline ( /)

    The card shows your student number. You must take your card into all examinations, and display it on your table for inspection. You will also need to copy the student number onto your paper. If your paper is online then you may be required to provide a scan of your card when submitting your paper online.

    The card also serves as your library card and as an access card for certain buildings and equipment (such as printers and photocopiers). Many buildings have security points at which you must show your card, and others require you to touch your card on a reader (as with an Oyster card) to release the doors.

    You may also be required to present your card to confirm your attendance (e.g. you may need to touch your card on a reader in a lecture theatre or have your card scanned by a handheld scanner).

    It is vital that you keep your card safe and with you at all times on campus. If you lose your card, or if your card is stolen, you should contact the Student Enquiry Centre, who will be able to help you. A fee is charged to replace lost ID cards.

    If you are not able to collect your student ID card in the first semester of teaching as you are not on campus, do not worry.  Details on how to collect your student ID card at a later date will be made available via the Student Enquiry Centre website.

    Canal and student village

    30. Glossary of Useful Terms for your Studies

    This section explains some of the main terms that you are likely to encounter in this handbook and in your studies.

    Academic credit refers to an indicator of the amount and level of learning. Academic credits are normally awarded in multiples of 15.

    Academic level refers to the relative complexity, depth of study, and learner autonomy required in relation to a module in the context of its discipline. Each module is assigned a level from the following scale:

    • Level 3: Foundation or pre-degree level;
    • Level 4: Introductory;
    • Level 5: Intermediate;
    • Level 6: Final;
    • Level 7: Masters.

    Academic year refers to a period running from September to August. The developmental years of most programmes follow academic years, and policies and regulations are always written by academic year. See also Developmental year and Calendar year.

    Advanced standing refers to prior certificated study from another institution that is deemed equivalent to Queen Mary modules from which exemption is sought.

    Assessed coursework refers to coursework that students are required to complete and submit, and which contributes in whole or in part to module marks and awards.

    Award refers to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate certificates, diplomas, bachelors degrees (with and without honours), undergraduate masters degrees and postgraduate masters degrees. The awards offered by Queen Mary are detailed in the Ordinances and the Academic Regulations.

    Calendar year refers to a twelve month period from January to December which may cross two academic years. See also Academic year and Developmental year.

    College Mark refers to the weighted average of a student’s performance, calculated in accordance with the regulations for the award, on which the classification of the award is based.

    Compulsory module refers to a module that must be taken in order to meet requirements for progression or award.

    Core module refers to a module that must be taken and passed in order to meet requirements for progression or award.

    Co-requisite module refers to a module that must be taken at the same time as another, specified, module.

    Developmental year refers to a year of a programme, normally one academic year of full time study, during which MSc students are normally required to be registered for 180 credits of modules. Developmental years for part time students normally last two academic years. See also Academic year and Calendar year.

    Dissertation, project, research project refers to an extended piece of independent study assessed by an output report or extended essay. The dissertation or project comprises a significant part of most MSc programmes.

    Element of assessment refers to an individual item of assessment. The assessment for a module may comprise several elements of assessment.

    Enrolment refers to a process by which individuals with offers of places to study become students of Queen Mary. New students must pre-enrol before enrolment, and returning students must re-enrol each year.

    Extenuating circumstances refers to circumstances that are outside a student’s control which may have a negative impact on a student’s ability to undertake or complete any assessment so as to cast doubt on the likely validity of the assessment as a measure of the student’s achievement.

    First sit refers to the repeat of all or part of a module’s assessment following a certified absence at the first attempt due to extenuating circumstances acceptable to the examination board. A first sit replaces the first attempt and does not count towards the value of academic credit for which a student must normally be registered in an academic or developmental year. First sit module marks are not capped.

    Invigilated examination refers to a timetabled summative examination that contributes in whole or in part to the module mark.

    Level See Academic level.

    Module assessment refers to assessment of the performance of a student on a module. This may include a variety of elements and forms, including coursework, dissertations, and practical assignments.

    Module refers to an approved block of teaching and learning leading to the award of academic credit and forming part of a programme of study.

    Module mark refers to the overall module result. This may be an aggregate of marks from several elements of assessment, which may be weighted.

    Prerequisite module refers to a specified module that should be taken before a second specified module can be taken. The School of Mathematical Sciences distinguishes essential prerequisites that you must take and helpful prerequisites that we recommend you take.

    Programme regulations refers to the regulations for an individual programme of study, approved by Senate, or its delegated authority.

    Programme of study (programme) refers to a package of modules approved by Senate, or its delegated authority, and leading to an award by Queen Mary University of London.

    Project See Dissertation.

    QMACF refers to the Queen Mary Academic Credit Framework. The structure of academic credits and levels applies to all modules and programmes leading to awards of Queen Mary or the University of London (introduced in 2008).

    Qualifying mark refers to a specified minimum mark that must be obtained in one or more elements of assessment in order to pass a module. This is in addition to, and distinct from, the requirement to achieve a pass in the module mark to pass the module.  The School of Mathematical Sciences does not currently use qualifying marks.

    Registration refers to a process by which students sign up for modules of a programme of study.

    Required assessment refers to assessment that students are required to complete to a prescribed standard and to submit, but which does not contribute to the module mark.

    Research project See Dissertation.

    Research students refers to students registered for a programme of study specifically designated as a research programme.

    Resit refers to the repeat of all or part of a module’s assessments, following failure at a previous attempt. Resits do not involve the repeat of attendance for the module. They do not count towards the value of academic credit for which students must normally be registered in an academic or developmental year. Resit marks are normally capped at 50%.

    Retake refers to the repeat of a module following failure at a previous attempt. Retakes involve attendance and completion of all elements of the module, and the submission of all assessments (summative and formative). They count towards the value of academic credit for which students must normally be registered in an academic or developmental year. Module marks for retakes are not pegged. Retakes incur pro rata tuition fees.

    Special regulations refers to programme regulations that diverge from the general Academic Regulations for exceptionally good reason, and which are approved by Senate, or its delegated authority. The special regulations are detailed in sections 6 and 7 of the Academic Regulations.

    Students refers to students of Queen Mary. Ordinance C1 describes "those persons who are students of Queen Mary and associate students of Queen Mary". The Academic Regulations apply to all students undertaking undergraduate or postgraduate study at Queen Mary, and to any persons whom Senate declares to be students of Queen Mary.

    Taught component refers to the parts of a programme that are delivered as taught modules, as opposed to dissertations and projects. The term is generally used in relation to postgraduate programmes.

    Total credit value refers to the total amount of academic credit required for an award.

    University when capitalized refers to the University of London, unless otherwise specified.

    Assessment Type Definitions

    Invigilated examination (short code EXM):

    A formal, timed and invigilated assessment that takes place under the regulations for invigilated examinations. To include but not limited to: seen and unseen examinations (including on-line examinations) that take place in Queen Mary’s formal examination periods.

    Coursework (short code CWK): An assessment that takes place during the module. To include but not limited to: essays, reports, presentations, poster presentations, seminar/tutorial work, in-class or in-semester tests, mid-sessional examinations, project proposals, exercises and homework sheets.

    Practical (short code PRA): An assessment that requires the application or demonstration of knowledge and/or skills/competencies in a practical context. This may include but is not limited to: laboratory work, computer work, performances, fieldwork and oral assessments in languages.

    Dissertation/project (short code DIS): An extended piece of independent study that is assessed by the output report or long essay. This may include but is not limited to: dissertations, research projects and project reports.


    31. Maps and Travel

    For a map of the Campus, see here

    For travel around London, see here.

    For Google Maps, see here.